5 Things You Should Not Forget When Traveling


Traveling outside the country can be fun, exciting, and overwhelming at the same time. The amount of adrenaline and excitement flowing through you can easily make you forget some essentials you need before you travel. Imagine you get to the airport, your flight is about boarding and you search your bags for the one thing you need before you board the plane, your international passport, you search find scream because you forgot it just on the dining table at home. You let it on the dining table so that you will not forget it but alas, you did. That is a situation no one wants to find themselves in. In this article, you find out those essential travel items you NEVER want to forget, put them in your bag and make sure you cross-check it every day because you never can be too careful.


Here are 5 travel essentials you shouldn’t forget before traveling.

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International passport/ ID Card:
This should be the most important. For those traveling within the ECOWAS region, use the ECOWAS passport, get that stamped because that is way better than wasting the pages on your Nigerian passport. As you know, the process and cost of getting the Nigerian passport is really difficult and long even for Nigerians, knowing this, why waste it to travel to an ECOWAS region? If you are traveling within Nigeria, your ID card should be with you. Thinking about it, leaving that at home may not be a good idea. You may say you do not own an ID card, you can also use any form of identification like your National ID card or even your Driver’s Licence.

One thing most people hate to do is to borrow a charger. People get very personal and stingy with them. Sometimes, good chargers are hard to find. To avoid unnecessary embarrassment, your charger should not be forgotten. If you travel to a foreign land for the holidays for example and forget your charger back at home in Nigeria, locating a store where they sell gadgets may be difficult. So chargers are very essential.

Really Good Phone or Camera:
What’s the point of traveling all the way to a country filled with great sightseeing and locations without having a good camera or a phone with great camera quality to capture the moment and share on social media or even keep in your archives? Great pictures and clear videos are taken with a good camera or phone.

A Book(Audio or E-Books):
If you are jetting off to a country where you probably have to sit on the plane for almost 8 hours, you may need a good book to kill time. Yes, you may say you will sleep or watch a movie, but how long will you sleep? How many movies can you watch in 8 hours? You can get an audiobook, plug in your headphones and enjoy the beauty of being read to. It is fun. If there is a layover that probably keeps you stuck at the airport for a long time, a good book helps kill the awkwardness too.

Bank Card, Cash, and a Credit Card:
For any trip, you go on, definitely take cash, a bank card, and a credit card. Imagine traveling and getting stuck, it is kind of hard to imagine because no one prays to be in that scenario. No one knows what may happen while in that country or State. You never know what urgent need may come up. Always go prepared when traveling either to a foreign land or even to visit a friend or family member in another state.

About Esther Talk

Esther is a seasoned writer and broadcast journalist with years of experience in both media, print, and broadcast journalism. A graduate of Sociology/Anthropology with a passion for editing and journalism.

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