Amnesty Media Award: CNN’S Lekki Toll Gate Shooting Investigation has been Nominated

In October 2020, young Nigerians demonstrated across major cities in a historic protest against decades of police brutality. The exceptionally organized march went on peacefully for days until the Nigerian military forcefully dispersed marchers who were keeping vigil at the Lekki Toll Plaza on October 20.


The various authorities who were believed to be involved in the “lekki massacre” denied the event didn’t happen and it appears the local media doesn’t exist.

CNN took it on itself to investigate what happened on the night and released its investigation on November 8, and the investigation uncovered evidence that Nigerian security forces opened fire on unarmed protesters.

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Amnesty International shortlisted CNN’s Lekki Tollgate investigative report for the Amnesty UK Media Awards 2021, on Tuesday, shortlisted CNN’s Lekki Tollgate investigative report for the Amnesty UK Media Awards 2021, on Tuesday, the Amnesty Media Award, which has been running for 29 years, aims at recognising the vital role journalists play and the serious risks they face in highlighting human rights abuses around the world.

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