Best Health Insurance for International Students in USA

Best Health Insurance for International Students in USA

Life in the United States might seem beautiful when viewed from outside the United States. However, regardless of how beautiful life in the United States might appear, it is important to note that living in the United States is not cheap. So, if you do not have the right income, you might actually struggle to access basic amenities.
A lot of folks living in the United States might have an answer to the expensive life. However, lots of international students might not have what it takes to live in the United States. The reason for this is a lot of them are coming on scholarships or championing their education through loans.


Due to the expensive life in the United States, the average international student might want to cut down on entertainment and other activities that might require funds. Nonetheless, some things such as getting involved in an accident or being ill happen without being planned. In as much as visiting the hospital is not something any international student in the United States plans for, sometimes, one will have to make provision for accidents and illnesses. This is where health insurance for international students comes in.

Best Health Insurance for International Students in USA

That being said, below are some of the best insurance for international students in the United States.

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Patriot Exchange Program

This health insurance program comes with COVID-19 coverage and was created for students participating in cultural exchange programs, as well as for students from out of the United States. It has various plan alternatives and lots of these alternatives were designed for J2 AND J1 visa travel insurance requirements.
This health insurance program is great for people that are far away from home as it keeps them from worrying about staying healthy.
Patriot exchange program was developed by IMG to make sure international students in the United States only have to worry about being away from home for a long time.
When international students make use of this insurance plan, they can decide to make payments every month. They are also free to choose different plans and extras that are not part of the plan they select. That’s not all. This health insurance gives you the freedom to select a doctor or hospital of your choice.
Although great for international students, this health insurance is open to United States citizens also. It can be renewed every year and is flexible.

Travel Medical Coverage

Travel medical insurance, just as its name states was designed to offer protection to people traveling out of their country. It covers events of illness or injury when on a journey. It comes with vital benefits that everyone will benefit from if involved in an emergency.
Although the Travel Medical Coverage is strongly associated with traveling, it also covers up for international students studying in the United States. Beyond just providing coverage for travelers and international students, this health insurance comes with several benefits that international students might be unable to exhaust through their stay in the United States.


ExchangeGuard international healthcare insurance features several coinsurances, deductible choices, and policy maximums designed to meet the needs of various international students in the United States. Due to all that it features, it is an amazing health insurance plan for international students that are very far from home. Beyond being great for international students that are far from home, this health insurance is ideal for young families in the United States that are dependent on a primary visa holder that is teaching, researching, or studying.
With the Exchange Guard health insurance program, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation of remains, and medical expenses are taken care of.
When you decide to make use of the ExchangeGuard health insurance, you are free to pay for coverage for the exact number of days you want to be in the United States. So, if you will not be around for a fixed period of time, you can save some money by paying for the period you will be in the United States only.
If for any reason, you have to be in the United States longer than you planned, you are free to extend this coverage for up to 364 days. Also, when it expires, you can renew it for about four years. That’s not all. If for any reason, you want to terminate your coverage, you are free to ask for a refund or a cancellation

Student Secure

This health insurance program is a reputable health insurance scheme for international students studying in the United States. International students looking to make use of this health insurance program have the liberty to make a choice from four coverage levels. These levels are Elite, Select, Budget, and Smart. This means regardless of what a student’s budget is, there will be an alternative for every student.
Student Secure offers international students schooling in the United States daily or monthly coverage. The coverage offered is simply dependent on what the student wants.
With the Student Secure health insurance program, international students will get a refund on whatever they spend on a virtual telemedicine doctor’s visit. If you have a health issue that is not in any way an emergency, it is best you consult a doctor through telemedicine before making any major move. When looking to do this you can make use of any telemedicine provider you are comfortable with. You can go on to submit a claim when done with the process.
If there is a need for you to visit a doctor in person, you will need to visit a hospital that is in the UnitedHealthcare Network. If you do not have a real emergency situation, you might have to avoid making use of the Emergency Room(ER) alternative that comes with this health insurance program.

Do International Students in the United States have any Need for Health Insurance?

There are no rules that state that international students in the United States need health insurance to receive an F1 visa. Nonetheless, before enrolling in a university in the United States, international students will need health insurance. Although the laws of the United States do not require international students to have health insurance before enrolling in a university. The universities in the United States have made this a law. The implication of this is if you will be studying in the United States as an international student, you will need to confirm if your university allows students to get enrolled without having health insurance.

When Should International Students Apply for Health Insurance?

There is no fixed time for international students in the United States to get health insurance. It is okay if they apply for health insurance after getting to the United States. Also, they could make this application before leaving their home country.

Is Travel Insurance a Good Replacement for Health Insurance?

When traveling to the United States to study, you will need US travel insurance. Although this insurance is important, it should not be regarded as a replacement for health insurance. It is important to note that US travel insurance is not the type of insurance that lasts a long time. Also, its coverage is limited.
Generally, travel insurance has to cover unforeseen circumstances that take place during a trip. Unlike travel insurance, students’ health insurance takes care of whatever medical expense you might face while studying in the United States.

How Do International Students in the United States Select the Right Health Insurance Plan?

There are several factors you will need to consider when selecting a health insurance plan as an international student in the United States. Some things you must keep in mind are;

What the School Requires:

Every university in the United States has a requirement so long as student health insurance is concerned. The implication of this is you will need to discover what is required of the school you plan to enroll into.

Where You Planning to Get Your Health Insurance:

There are various places international students in the United States can purchase health insurance. Some might decide to purchase a health insurance plan from their home country, others, however, might decide to buy from a firm in the United States. While the average international student in the United States will go through the temptation of buying health insurance from a firm in their country, it is a lot better to purchase health insurance from a firm in the United States. This is important as processing claims is a lot easier. Clinics will not struggle to move the bills for your treatment to your insurance provider.
If for any reason, you pay for insurance in your country, you might need to make payments for your treatment before getting reimbursed.

Does Health Insurance for International Student Cover Glasses and Eye Checks

Every health insurance for international students in the United States might not cover eye tests and glasses. However, most of them do. Before going on to purchase health insurance as an international student, ensure you go through the details of the deal. Also, if you find situations you do not understand, always ask the right questions.
Generally, with prescription medication, it might take time to get the funds from your insurer when you need to. So, you will need to make payment and work towards getting a reimbursement.
With some health insurance firms, you can have eye checks and prescription lenses taken care of by purchasing a basic plan. However, this does not work with every health insurance program. You, therefore, will need to find out how the firm you intend to work with functions before going ahead to make payments.

Do Health Insurance for International Students in the United States Cover Dependents?

There are lots of grey areas around this question. In as much as some universities in the United States make plans for dependents of international students, not everyone makes use of the health insurance program of the school that they are in.
Some schools make it compulsory that internationals students make use of the health insurance program that the school has to offer. In this situation, dependents will be covered if such school makes plans for them and the school’s health insurance plan is compulsory. However, in situations in which a school does not make the health insurance program they make available compulsory, dependents might not necessarily be covered.

The Challenge with Getting Dental Insurance for International Students in the United States.

Some health insurance programs for international students in the United States make room for dental insurance. Since not every health insurance program includes dental insurance, international students in the United States might need to buy a dental insurance plan apart from their regular health insurance plan. This could get the job done. However, it will amount to spending more every month.
There are various dental insurance plans. Some of them cover regular checkups, cleanings, extractions, and fillings only. Others, handle services that seem more complicated.

How do Students on OPT Take Care of Their Health

Some schools have their own health insurance programs and this covers all students in their school. While some are mandatory, others, give students the freedom to make their own choice. In situations in which the health insurance program of a school is compulsory, students under optional practical training might not enjoy the coverage their school’s health insurance program provides as soon as they get out of the regular school program.

In situations like this, they will need to opt for an OPT health insurance program. Although this plan seems different, it is basically the same as regular health insurance plans that international students can have access to.
International students in schools where they are not mandated to use the health insurance plan provided by the school might not need to search for an OPT health insurance plan. They can simply continue with the insurance plan they used as regular students.

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