Business Ideas You Can Start In Nigeria Without Capital

Starting a business in Nigeria can be challenging most times especially businesses that require little or no capital. If you are thinking about starting a business that requires no capital but guaranteed cash inflow in your account, you are at the right place. Here are some businesses you can start in Nigeria with NO capital involved.


1. You can sell your old items you no longer use
If you have some old, quality items you no longer use, why not sell them and get your money back. One thing with this business idea is that there are no risks involved. I was going through Instagram the other day and I found some pages that actually resell items and buyers in need of them quickly contact the seller. There are also online platforms where you can resell some of your old items you no longer have any use for.

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2. You can be a Freelancer
This is another great way to make money without capital. Being a freelance marketer is great when you focus on a niche you are very good at. Once you have made up your mind on what niche to focus on, get in touch with companies you will like to market for and get your percentage for every buy through your buyer from the company. The best way to go about is to allow the company to give you the exact price of the items, then you tag your price on it while marketing. You will need to have a good smartphone with a great internet because one of the fastest ways to get a buyer is online.

3. You Can Be A Money Collector
No form of capital is needed for this business to start. Collector business is the same thing as a daily contribution business or ‘akawo’. You need to be very trustworthy to do this business because you will save the contribution of people and each month, the money is shared to some and others may get theirs every year. You may be wondering how you can make money being a money collector, this is how;

a. From the contributors whereby having 5-10% of each contributor’s money.

b. From loans, they give out.

c. They can be entitled to win bank gifts and promo.

All you need to start this business are collector cards and a book for record purposes. You will need to work hard to build your clientele because the more customers you have, the higher our income.

4. Signing Up For Being An Uber/Bolt Driver
This is a very lucrative business both in Nigeria and worldwide. This is because an average Uber driver earns within 100,000 – 120,000 Naira in just a week. All you need to do is to choose when to work when signing up as some people work in the night after their regular day job while some people sign up for a full time.

So from this list, you can choose which suits you best and which you can do with ease. It is very easy to become successful in Nigeria only when you have a unique business strategy. Especially building your clientele and keeping them for a long time.

About Esther Talk

Esther is a seasoned writer and broadcast journalist with years of experience in both media, print, and broadcast journalism. A graduate of Sociology/Anthropology with a passion for editing and journalism.

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