English Language Examination Questions and Answers for Secondary School Students (SS2)


Examination Questions and Answers for Secondary School Students (SS2)

These English questions have been compiled to serve as a reference material to aid teachers set tests and examination questions without much stress.
School pupils/tutors will find it very helpful  in revision and exam preparation.


CLASS: SS2       SUBJECT:  English Language   TIME: 2 HOURS


Answer FOUR Questions in all ONE question from Section A and all question in Section B.

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  1. Your sister wants to marry a man from another ethnic group against your mother’s wishes. Write a letter to your mother giving her at least three reasons why she should accept your sister’s decision.
  2. The rising incidence of road accidents nowadays is alarming. In an article suitable for publication in an international magazine, discuss at least three factors responsible for this and suggest ways of dealing with the problem.
  3. There has been public outcry against the escalating prices of foodstuffs in your area. Write a letter to your representative in the House of Assembly, stating the causes of the increase and suggesting ways of improving the situation.
  4. Your school’s literary and Debating Society has organized a debate on the topic: “The Television is Doing More Harm Than Good to Our Youths”. Write your contribution for or against the topic.
  5. Write a story which ends with the words “Had I known, I wouldn’t have believed him”.


  1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.

When health workers first came to the village and talked about family planning, no one took them seriously, including Amusa, whose young wife was then pregnant with their first baby. Had their fathers and forefathers before them not  had as many wives and children as they desired? And had they not been able to take care of their families? So everyone shunned the family planning clinic which was established in the village shortly afterward.

Twelve years later, Amusa was a clerical assistant in the city and lived with his wife and eight children in a single room because he could not afford larger quarters. For as long as he could remember, his large family had been going through difficult times, which appeared to be worsening lately. Only yesterday, his third child had been sent away from  school because her parents could not replace her old and torn school uniform. Last year, their first son could not proceed to the secondary school as the family could not afford the cost. Then recently, the landlord had announced his intention to increase the rent.

Amusa found himself thinking about the days when he was himself a young child. His own father had two wives and thirteen children, yet as far as he could remember, the family had no faced anything similar to what he was going through now. He suddenly realized that this was because the time had changed and that the requirements of modern living put great pressure on large family sizes. His father’s time and age had been different: he had been a successful farmer in the village, had lived in his own house, employed members of his large family as farm hands and fed everyone from the abundance of the farm. On the other hand, Amusa lived in the city on a limited income. He had no farm land nor even a vegetable garden, and had to pay for everything, from his rented room to be smallest domestic need of his family. And at four or five times what they cost a few years before!

It was then that he sadly remembered the health workers and their gospel of family planning. How he wished he had listened and taken their advice! Unfortunately, he had not. And what was even more unfortunatewas that the millions in Amusa’s shoes became wiser only when it was too late.

  • What advice do you think the health workers gave to the villagers?
  • Give two reasons why the villagers did not take the health workers seriously.
  • Give two indication of Amusa’s financial difficulties
  • Mention any two differences between Amusa’s condition and his father’s
  • “and what was even more unfortunate…”
  • What grammatical name is given to this expression as it is used in the passage?
  • What is its function?
  • And had they not been able to take care of their families?”
  • What literary device is used in this expression
  • What does it mean?
  • For each of the following words or phrases, find another words or phrase which means the same and which an replace it as it is used in the passage;

(i) shunned (ii) established; (iii) announced; (iv) going through

(v) limited; (vi) shoes


SECTION 1: In each of the following sentences, there is one word or group of words underlined and one gap. From the list of words or group of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the  underlined word or group of words and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence.

  1. The workers expected management to be……rather than indifferent to their welfare. A. different from B. interested in C. opposed to D.careful of
  2. Words spoken in the heat of an argument could offend rather than ….. A. pacific B. amuse C. inspire D. irritate
  3. Although they have declared the student a suspect, he may turn out to be ….. A. miserly B. careful C. thoughtful D. extravagant
  4. Some outspoken social critics live a ….family live A. reserved B. happy C. boisterous D. still
  5. While the manger was prudent in his expenditure, his deputy was …..A. miserly B. careful thoughtful D. extravagant
  6. The cultured and the …… are known by their conduct. A. barbaric B. ignorant C. clean D. lazy
  7. Many Africans now live in abject poverty instead of enjoying the ….of the countries A. comfort B. greatness C. possessions D. affluence
  8. Tunde seldom asks questions in class and was….very careful when he did. A. hardly B. sometimes C. often D. never

SECTION 2: From the word letter A to D, choose the word that best completes each of the following sentences;

  1. Tests revealed that the winning athlete had taken performance-enhancing….A.drugs B. tablets C. vitamins D. capsules
  2. The lawyer’s client was ….under oath in the law court. A. investigated B. interrogated C. cross-fired D. cross-examined
  3. That Fulani man has a large ……….. of cattle A. herd B. flock C. multitude D. swine
  4. The relationship between the couple is ……for lack of communication, A. tense B. strained C. relaxed D. uneasy
  5. Many players have complained about biased…by referees A. officiating B. control C. direction D. handling
  6. Government officials have to swear to…..of secrecy A. an oath B. avow C.a pledge D. an Act
  7. The students……the planned meeting with the new principal….A refused B. neglected C. boycotted D. rejected
  1. She won by…..because her opponent the …..for cheating in examinations. A. defeat B. default C. defiance D.defence
  2. Some candidates have developed the ……for cheating in examinations. A. instinct B. addiction C. knack D. habit
  3. The secretary was….from her job for absenteeism A. evicted B. dismissed C. rejected D. eliminated

SECTION 3: After each of the following sentences, a list of possible interpretations is given. Choose the interpretation that you consider most appropriate for sentence.

  1. Peter was on tenterhooks until the examination results were announced. This means that Peter was A. unhappy about the examination B. suspended from school C. anxiously waiting for the results. D. detained by the police
  2. The military leader blazed the trail by handing over power to civilians. This means that the leader A. resigned from the army B. supported civilian ideals. C. was against the army. D. set an example
  3. Life is all about “give and take”. This means that A. people should be willing to compromise. B. life gives and takes C. life is about gifts D. any gift should be accepted.
  4. Jumai’s life was in danger but now she had turned the corner. This means that Jumai A. has given up hope of recovery B. has worsened her situation. C. is recovering D. has died
  5. It is unwise for politicians to make off-hand statements to journalists. This means that politicians A. should insist on their interviews being recorded B. would be wise not to speak to journalists C. should not make any statement to journalists D. should be sure of whatever they say.
  6. The dentist told his patient that the toothache would pass off when he took some aspirins. This means that A. the tooth would automatically drop off. B. the pains would subside C. the pains would spread to other teethed. the pains would worsen.
  7. The students made such a noise in the class that the teacher read them the Riot Act. This means that the teacher A. punished all the students. B. instigated the student to riot C. warned the students to stop the noise or get punished D. read the school’s rules and regulations to the students.
  8. When I went on leave I asked Mr. Barnson to hold the forte. This means that I asked him to A. defend me B. ac in my absence. C. protect my position D. be strong in my absence
  9. The senator’s house is the last word in comfort. This means that the senator A. has the most comfortable house B.speaks about the comfort of his house C. owns the last house on comfort streets D. has a house that is not comfortable
  10. I was given a standard ovation for my outstanding performance. This means that A. everyone stood up to clap for me B. everyone stood to catch a glimpse of me C. everyone congratulate me D. I was asked to stand up.

SECTION 4: From the words lettered A to D below each of the following sentences, choose the word that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word as it is used in the sentence.

  1. His father’s death derailed his plans to enter the university A. discouraged B. failed C. moved D. ruined
  2. Adamu inadvertently shot his friend dead. A. deliberately B.spontaneously C. accidentally D. inappropriately
  3. The student made scathing remarks about the vice chancellor. A. critical B. positive C. mild D. damaging
  4. Several cabinet ministers joined the president’s retinue for this summit conference. A. entourage B. vehicle C. followers D. enemies
  5. The manager refused his deputy’s request in reprisal for his disloyalty. A. compensation B. annoyance C. retaliation D. exchange
  6. She spurned the advances of her boss A. accommodated B. accepted C. rejected D. discouraged
  7. Whatever he says is irrevocable final B. false C. debatable D. unclear
  8. Lunatics have some lucid movements A. troubled B. quiet C. noisy D.sane
  9. Don’t expect anything but hypocrisy from politicians. A. promises
  10. manifestoes C. insincerity D. dishonesty

SECTION 5: From the words or group of words lettered A to D, choose the word or group of words that best completes each of the following sentences

  1. The secretary needs to run……two hundred copies of the previous minutes for the next meeting. A. off B. on C. out D. over
  2. Let us keep….the plans we made earlier A. away B. to C. off D. on
  3. To be alive after such a serious accident…. A celebration. A. is called for B. calls for C. has been called for D. call for
  4. She does not remember ever….. a tiger. A. to see B. to have seen C.seeing D. having to see
  5. The commissioner for Education with his secretary….expected yesterday A. are B. was C. were D. is
  6. After rigorous interrogation, the thief had no alternative….to confess the truth. A. except B. unless C. but D. rather
  7. The director is open….criticism. A. for B. to C. on D. about
  8. Tunji divided the money between David and ……A. he B. him C. himself D. themselves
  9. The jury gave…..verdict. A. it’s B. its C. his D. her
  10. No……..person will do that. A. matured B. maturing C. mature D.matures
  11. She stabbed her friend…..the back. A. on B. at C. upon D. in
  12. I am not accustomed……on an empty stomach A. to sleep B. to have slept C. for sleeping D. to sleeping
  13. Take your share and give them….A. their B. there C there’s D. theirs
  14. My uncle was not sure…..the strange guests were A. which B. who C. whom D. what
  15. The principal has already summoned all the …….. on the matter. A. heads of departments B. head of department C. heads of department D. head of departments
  16. But for the timely intervention of the police, the kidnapper……by the angry mob. A. will be lynched B. would have been lynched C. would be lynched D. will have been lynched
  17. …………..she was tired when we arrived, mummy prepared a delicious dinner for us. A. despite B. if C. since D. although
  18. …..Science and technology many African countries have not made significant progress since their independence. A. with regards to B. in respect to C. as far as D. with regard to
  19. If I ……your father, I would call the police. A. have been B. am C. will be D. were
  20. I hate……..waiting A. to be keeping B. having been kept C. being kept D. to have been kept
  21. You had better……….the examination A. written B. write C. wrote D. be writing
  22. The policeman tried to cash in………the driver’s ignorance. A. under B. against C. on D. with
  23. Yesterday, I……..on the beach for half an hour. A. lain B. lay C. lie D.lied
  24. We were told to mind our burins during the examination and not……..A. sombody’s else B. somebody else’s C. somebody’s else’s D. somebody else
  25. Whenever you travel buy me….please, A. a trouser B. one trouser C. a pair of trousers D. trouser
  26. The Housemaster asked Ekene whether he had ever……….the marathon. A. run B. ran C. running D. runs
  27. The maid denied………her mistress’ money A. to stealing B. stolen C. to have stolen D. stealing
  28. One of the victims……..rushed to the nearest hospital. A. was B. have been C. were D. were being
  29. Bachelors find its convenient to buy………pepper. A. grind B. grinding C. ground D. grounded
  30. I heard the news…….the radio. A. from B. by C. on D. through
  31. The invigilator had hardly turned her back….the candidate was caught cheating. A. than B. when C. hence D. that
  32. Of the three girls, Yetunde is the ……. A. tallest B. taller C. most tall D. tall
  33. I was Peter that I saw…….? A. wasn’t it. B. didn’t I C. isn’t it D. wasn’t he



SECTION 1: From the word lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined. An example is given below:

Example: Seat A. sit B. cite C. set D. key

The correct answer is D because only key contains the same vowel sound as the one underlined in seat.

  1. bark A. mass b. ant C. pass D. ward
  2. story A. drought B. spot C. fought D. through
  3. sack A. back B. dark C. task D. false
  4. look A. fool B. could C. boulder D. biology
  5. best A. leopard B. regal C. saying D. legal
  6. cool A. foot B. cook C. pull D. brute
  7. sit A. creature B. colleague C. wanted D. police
  8. rush A. bush B. plough C. put D. rough
  9. worse A. sort B. urge C. worn D. gorge
  10. mother perky B. mercy C. surprise D. purchase
  11. fair wear B. dear C. here D. mere
  12. make A. height B. weigh C. says D. plait
  13. rear pear B. heir C. fear D. swear
  14. know sew B. grew C. vow D. how
  15. cloud A. route B. bouquet C. bowl D. growl

SECTION 2: From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same consonant sound(s) as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined. An example is given below.

Example: vice A. cat B. dress C. show D. chalk

The correct answer is B because only dress has the same consonant sound as the one underlined in vice

  1. hang stingy B. tinge C. sing D. hinge
  2. wither A. healthy B. wealthy C. breath D. feather
  3. find handsome B. sandwich C. sandpaper D. handkerchief
  4. pain A. coup B. report C. corps D. receipt
  5. pleasure A. vision B. mansion C. regiment D. pressure
  6. baker A. debt B. lamb C. plumber D. humble
  7. count A. civil B. pack C. cease D. indict
  8. wash nation B. occasion C. treasure D. equation
  9. ten A. depot B. listen C. attack D. Christmas
  10. zebra A. assign B. design C. insist D. persist
  11. path there B. smooth C. warmth D. soothe
  12. see A. cats B. clause C. wars D. boys
  13. loud A. walk B. shoal C. yolk D. should
  14. plant A. price B. pistle C. riddle D. couple
  15. marks exist B. exhaust C. axe D. masque

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