Find Out If You Should Be Using Kayan Mata Products, Health Implications

The number of people selling Kayan Mata products keeps increasing then again, the use of the items. Here’s all you need to know about its use and you decide whether you should use them.


Kayan Mata started from the Northern region of Nigeria and in a real sense signifies “ladies’ things”. Kayan Mata is usually a mix of spices or herbs that are normally used as sex or love enhancers and aphrodisiacs. For quite a long time, their recipes — generally combinations of herbs, fruits, and spices — have been used to heighten and stimulate the sexual feelings of one’s partner.

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They were initially used by married ladies to flavor up sexual relations yet as of late, the items have been hawked on the Internet as voodoo-like spices for young people to stand out from rich men.

You can locate the best Kayan Mata in states like Sokoto, Kebbi, Katsina, and so forth and they range from going from fragrances to sugar powders, desserts, zuman mata/maza (lady’s nectar), sex drops, oils, and so on

For ladies who think that it’s difficult to be turned on during foreplay, Kayan Mata desserts are urged for the ladies to bite during the day when they are certain they will get laid around evening time. It makes a shivering sensation for the lady.

The most mainstream Kayan Mata items are Kunun Aya and Tsumi. Tsumi is a blend of Kayan Mata spice and camel’s milk and its impact are exceptionally solid. Kunun Aya is a juice gotten from Tiger nuts and is smashed by the man for an additional exhibition.

Does Kayan Mata Have Health Implications?

Since Kayan Mata is made out of fruits, herbs, and natural flavors, it is, generally, healthy. There has been discussion about the impacts of Kayan Mata items in tying men down without their knowledge or prompting possessiveness. This points to the use of voodoo in the making. Though, vendors claim that this is untrue, it is best to take care.

On the off chance that you need to use Kayan Mata to upgrade your sexual delight, the best advice is to be cautious about your sources and what precisely makes up the ingredients.

About Esther Talk

Esther is a seasoned writer and broadcast journalist with years of experience in both media, print, and broadcast journalism. A graduate of Sociology/Anthropology with a passion for editing and journalism.

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