Health Benefits Of Chaya “Hospital Too Far” Leaf You Should Know

Chaya is a leaf well known in Nigeria as ‘Hospital Too far’ and ‘Miracle Leaf’ is a leafy vegetable that originally comes from Mexico but can be well found in the southeastern part of Nigeria.


In Yoruba, the Chaya leaf is called ‘Efo Iyana-Ipaja’ and the Igbos call it ‘Ugu Oyibo’.

The Chaya leaf has a great amount of protein, different vitamins, iron, calcium, and lots of antioxidants.

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You can add it to your soups, salads, as tea, or simply make it in a juice form but eating it raw is highly advised against. You may wonder why, well this is because, it contains hydrocyanic acid, which is toxic to the body when eaten raw.

It is highly advised that it should be cooked at least 3-5 mins to remove the toxins before ingesting it.

This plant can cure almost 100 diseases due to its numerous health benefits to the body hence the name ‘God’s Gift’.

Here are some of its benefits.

1. It treats anemia as it contains a large amount of iron and also helps boosts blood production and circulation.

2. It helps in the treatment of asthma

3. It Prevents Cough and Cold

4. It lowers blood sugar and is good for diabetic people

5. It aids digestion, treats constipation and also acts as a laxative

6. It augments calcium in the bone.

7. It helps with weight loss

8. It Improves Memory and Brain function

9. It Improves eye Vision

10. It Prevents Varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

11. It Boosts immunity and fights infections.

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12. It eliminates kidney stones

13. It regulates blood pressure as it contains beta-blocker.

14. It has anti-malarial, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties.

15. It reduces cysts and prevents cancer.

16. It treats vagina discharge and infection by helping to increase the acidity of the vaginal making it difficult for infectious organisms to multiply.

17. It helps in the growth of healthy skin and fingernails.

18. It boosts ovulation.

19. It stimulates the production of healthy sperm and also boosts sexual libido

20. It improves memory and brain health

21. It is effective for treating poor sleep

If you want to prepare a cup of Chaya tea, here’s how:

6 Chaya leaves
2 cups of water
Boil a sufficient amount of water, then add the Chaya leaves and let it simmer for 10 minutes. For best results, it is advised to take a cup of the tea up to 3 times before each meal.

About Esther Talk

Esther is a seasoned writer and broadcast journalist with years of experience in both media, print, and broadcast journalism. A graduate of Sociology/Anthropology with a passion for editing and journalism.

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