JAMB Mock 2021/2022 Exam Date, Reprint Portal, Result And Latest News

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JAMB Mock exam date 2021/2022, reprint portal and result – The date of the UTME mock examination for 2021/2022 has been announced.


On this page, I will tell you everything you need to know about JAMB mock examination 2021/2022.

JAMB mock 2021/2021 examination date

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JAMB Mock Exam Date 2021/2022

The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has fixed Friday, 30th of April, 2021 Thursday June 3rd, 2021 as the date for the mock examination, and the optional mock examination will only be available for those who register before April 24, 2021.

UPDATE: JAMB mock examination date has been shifted and will now hold on Thursday June 3rd, 2021.

If you had already printed your mock slip before the shift of the date, you have to reprint a new mock slip showing the new examination date. The procedure remains the same. 

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Will JAMB Mock 2021/22 Score Be Added To My JAMB Score?

A lot of candidates have been asking me the question – “Will JAMB mock examination score be added to JAMB exam score?” Or “Will JAMB use the average score to calculate my scores if I write JAMB mock?”

The simple answer to these questions is NO!

Your JAMB mock score will NOT be added or calculated with your real JAMB score, so you should not be bothered about that.

Candidates are to note that the purpose of the mock exam is to ascertain the readiness of its system for the exam and help candidates especially those not to familiar with CBT to get themselves acquainted with it.

The marks from the mock examination would NOT be added to scores obtained in the main examination.

How Much Is JAMB Mock Exam 2021 Form?

The JAMB mock examination is totally free and you will not be required to pay any extra fee to register for the mock examination during your JAMB registration payment.

Personally, I will advise you to register and sit for the mock examination.

REMEMBER: If you intend to write the mock exam, you must register before April 24, 2021.

The option to register for the mock exam will be made available during JAMB registration.

Venues For JAMB Mock Exam 2021/2022

The mock examination will hold at various JAMB accredited CBT centres nationwide. You will see the venue for your mock exam on your mock slip after the mock slip reprint starts.

JAMB Mock Slip Reprint 2021/2021

Reprinting of JAMB mock slip 2021 will start on started.

In this regard, you are expected to visit JAMB mock slip reprint portal to check your mock exam date, venue and time.

You are also expected to come along with the printed copy of your mock slip.

JAMB Mock Result 2021/21

You can check your JAMB mock result on the result checking portal once it is released.

The scores of candidates that sit for the examination will be uploaded on JAMB portal few days after the examination is written.

Now, if you are still confused on whether JAMB mock score will be added to the real examination score (UTME) or not, the answer is NO, it will not be added.

I have explained everything in the guide below:

That is all for now on JAMB mock exam date 2021/2022. If you found the article helpful, feel free to share using the share buttons below.

Do you have any other question related to JAMB 2021/2022? Use the comment section below.

8 Comments on “JAMB Mock 2021/2022 Exam Date, Reprint Portal, Result And Latest News”

  1. I’ve already registered for my jamb.
    is there any way i can register 4 jamb mock?
    pls reply me.,

  2. This post is contradicting, earlier you said jamb mock marks will not be added to the main exam scores, and later at the middle of the post you said it will be added to the main jamb score. Please can you clarify more? Thank you.

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