10 List of Best Universities for Forensic Science in the World

10 Best Universities for Forensic Science in the World.


Do you want to know the best university to study forensic science in the world, if you answered yes to that question then you are at the right page. This page is ready to help you pursue your career dreams in becoming a criminal investigator.

This article will give you detailed information on the 10 list of best universities to study forensic science in the world. 

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Are these information accurate and legit? Absolutely, there are legit and accurate as we have gathered information from the right source to share to you. 

How do we rank these Universities? We rank Universities based on academic performance in their previous sessions and information from authority websites.

The best universities to study Forensic Science in the world would be published below. We encourage you to read this article to the very end, inorder to obtain what you want.

What is Forensic Science?

According to Wikipedia – Forensic science, also known as criminalistics, is the application of science to criminal and civil laws, mainly on the criminal side during criminal investigation, as governed by the legal standards of admissible evidence and criminal procedure.

In other words, forensic science is the use of scientific methods to investigate crimes or examine evidence that might be displayed in a court of law.

Who is a Forensic Scientist?  Another name, Crime Investigator. A forensic scientist is basically one who collates evidence from a crime scene and performs an analysis on possible deaths and those who are responsible for it. These evidences are then used in the court of law for the prosection of the deviant. Additionally, the forensic scientist works hand in hand with the POLIS to make their job easier.

How long does it take to be a forensic scientist? To be a forensic scientist, it takes 4-6 years to graduate depending on what level of education you choose. 

10 Best Universities for Forensic Science in the World

  • University of Dundee
  • University of Amsterdam
  • University College London
  • Boston University
  • University of Texas
  • University of California
  • Uppsala University
  • Université de Lausanne (UNIL)
  • National University of Singapore
  • University of Florida

University of Dundee

University of Dundee, located in Scotland, United Kingdom, is one of the best University to study Forensic Science. Ranked as No.1 in the UK as the top best University. Dundee offers multiple forensic science courses, particularly focussed on Forensic Anthropology. 

University of Dundee offers Forensic Science at the Undergraduate and Graduate levels.

University of Amsterdam

University of Amsterdam is a prestigious public research University in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Founded in 1632. The University of Amsterdam is ranked top 66th University in the World, 25th in Europe. 

This is obviously one of the best college to study Forensic Science, as they offer Forensic Science at graduate level.

University College London (UCL)

This is another arguably best University in the UK to Study Forensic Science. University College London, founded in 1826 is a public research University located in England, United Kingdom.

Ranked as top 25th best University in Uk according to Times Higher Education rankings. This University offers Crime and Forensic at Master’s Level.

Boston University

Boston University, founded in 1839 is a prestigious public research University located in Boston, Massachusetts. Ranked as top 110th Universities in the World. 

Boston University is incredibly one of the best University to study Forensic Science. They offer Forensic Science at Master’s Level.

University of Texas

University of Texas, located in Austin, Texas is a public research University founded in 1883, ranks among the 40 best universities in the world.

University of Texas is absolutely one of the best University to study Forensic Science. They offer Forensic Science at undergraduate and graduate Level.

University of California

University of California, located in several states like Berkeley, Los Angeles, Davis, Riverside, etc is one of the best University to study Forensic Science. Ranked as 180th in the world as the top best University. University of California offers multiple forensic science courses.

University of California offers Forensic Science at the Undergraduate and Graduate levels.

Uppsala University

Uppsala University, founded in 1477 and located in Uppsala, Sweden. They offer undergraduate and postgraduate courses in forensics including Forensic Chemistry.

Ranked as top 100th best university in the world according to Times Higher Education rankings.

Université de Lausanne (UNIL)

The University of Lausanne in Lausanne, Switzerland was founded in 1537, is a public research University which offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in forensics including Forensic Chemistry.

Ranked as top 100th best university in the world according to Times Higher Education rankings.

National University of Singapore

National University of Singapore, founded in 1905, is the oldest university in singapore. They offer a minor course on Forensic Science, however, students who intend to study forensic science in this prestigious institution will need to take up Chemistry as their subject at the undergraduate level.

Ranked as top 32th best global University in the world according to Times Higher Education rankings.

University of Florida

University of Florida, located in Gainesville, Florida. Founded in 1853 and they offer Forensic Science at Mater’s Level. This University is seen as one of the best University in the world to study Forensic Science.

Ranked as top 100th best global University in the world according to Times Higher Education rankings.

If you have any questions concerning the list of best universities for Forensic Science, kindly let us know via the comment section below. Thanks for reading this article.