MBA Trade Review: Is investing in MBAtrade real or scam

I have been hearing so much about MBA Forex & Capital Investment Limited, and a lot of people have been asking me whether MBA trade forex is real or scam? And if investing is MBA trade is a good decision to make.


This was because of the review I made about pennywise wealth management that saved a lot of people from losing their money.

I understand the fact that everyone wants to invest money for the future, and because the only way to get wealthy is through investing.

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But then, we also don’t want to lose money on investing in something that will later turn soar, and that’s why it is good to make research before investing in any company to avoid HAD I KNOWN.

I appreciate your reading this on carrying out your research. Also, check out my lecture on How to Invest in Ethereum in Nigeria like a professional because that made me over an N100,000 in just a space of 2weeks.

Today I am going to reveal to you everything you need to know about mba trade forex and whether or not to invest with Mba Forex in following subheading below;

  • What is MBA Forex & Capital Investment Limited
  • Who is the CEO of MBA Forex & Capital Investment Limited
  • Is MBA Forex & Capital Investment Limited scam or legit
  • Should You Invest in MBA Trade

So let ride on.

What is MBA Forex & Capital Investment Limited all about?

Mba Trade claims to be a world-class forex training and capital investment company, established with the vision of impacting the general populace with the knowledge of trading forex and creating platforms that will bring about sustainable financial freedom.

They also claim to have over 10 thousand active investors, more than 10 business locations in the following countries:

  • Nigeria
  • UAE
  • UK and others

And they are determined to provide an all-encompassing investment services to their clients that accommodate their various needs.

Mba Trades Investment Packages

  • 15% / Month $1000 – $13888
  • 10% / Month  $13888 – $136111
  • 5% / Month  $138889 ­- $276, 514.60
  • 2.5% / Month  $276, 514.60 & above

How to Get Started Investing with

It is very easy to get started with mba trades, either you use their mobile app or you follow this 4 simple steps below.

  • Register an account and fill in your necessary information
  • Fund your wallet using your local bank account
  • Invest preferred account from your funded wallet
  • Withdraw acquired ROI to your local bank

MBAtrades Packages

Well it so certain that  apart from forex trading education and investing mba trade also has closely related services they offer.

  • Planning
  • Paying of School Fees and Rent
  • Ride in 90 Days
  • Real estate
  • Senior retreat package


Mba’s plan makes it easy for people to comfortable plan events like weddings, birthdays, dedications, etc. with just half the budget (50%) of the total cost of the event invested with MBA Trading and Capital Investment, seven (7) months before the event, the investor gets 100% of his estimated budget at the end of the seventh month. The minimum investment for this package is N500, 000.


  • 50% investment should be done 7 months before the events
  • The investors get 100% of his estimated budget at the end of the 7th month
  • MBA Trading and Capital Investment Limited does not relate with third parties (event planners) and do not plan events.
  • Minimum investment rate is N500, 000.
  • Investors can top-upon investment only within 2 months after initial deposits.

Paying of School Fees and Rent

Education for your children and relatives could be made easier when you let MBA Trading and Capital Investment help you pay school fees.


  • This can occur either ‘TERMLY or YEARLY.
  • All you need to do is to invest the total sum for a session (First, second and third term) with Mba trades, then you get paid the fees for a minimum of three (3) years and a maximum of six (6) years.
  • For TERMLY, pay the total sum four (4) months before school resumes and they pay your child’s fee termly for three (3) to six (6) years.
  • For YEARLY, pay the total sum of the fees seven (7) months before school resumes and we pay your child’s fee yearly for three (3) to six(6) years.
  • For International Students, pay the total sum of the fees 12 Months before School resumes. The minimum investment is Two Hundred Thousand Naira only (NGN200,000) for local students.
  • The minimum investment for International students is Five Million Naira only (NGN5, 000, 000).
  • No Return on Invested capital.
  • No involvement of a third party.


The majority of Nigerians live in rented apartments and paying for rent sometimes can be a huge burden considering the high cost of housing in urban areas and other economic burdens, hence, the need for a special package that enables Nigerians to live completely worry-free over the issue of rent was birthed.


  • Invest the total cost of your rent with MBA Trading and Capital Investment Ten (10) months before payment is due.
  • MBA Trading and Capital Investment pay you the exact amount yearly for the next three (3) years.
  • The minimum investment rate is Three Hundred Thousand Naira only (NGN300,000).
  • No third party involvement (No dealing with Landlord).
  • No Return on Invested capital.

Senior Retreat Package (S.R.P)

Senior Retreat Package (SRP) is a package specially designed to give individuals that are 40 years and above an opportunity to earn 15% Return on Interest (ROI) monthly for twelve (12) months with an all-expense paid trip to Dubai for a week (7 days).


  • Minimum age, 40 Years
  • Single Investor: NGN 1.5 million
  • Couple: NGN2 million
  • 12 Months contract
  • No Return on Capital
  • 15% Return on investment Capital
  • Investors are notified for trip 3 months before the due date.
  • It should be noted that your intended partner cannot be changed after 3 months into the contract
  • It should be noted that your intended partner cannot be changed after 3 months into the contract

Ride In 90 Days’

With MBA Trading and Capital Investment ‘Ride in 90 Days’, you can own a brand new car with ease. This package helps our Investors own new cars with just 50% of the total cost of the choice car in 90 days.

All the Investor need do is to go to any car dealer of his/her choice, ask for a Pro-forma invoice and bring the invoice to any of our branches alongside 50% of the total cost of the car.

Upon the payment of the 50%, MBA Trading and Capital Investment does a 14-day verification process and then the countdown begins.

For fairly used cars (Tokunbo), the investors are expected to pay 60% of the total cost of the car, obtain a Pro-forma invoice, and MBA Trades process accordingly.

Brand New Vehicles


  • Visit any car dealer of your choice
  • Request for the Pro forma invoice
  • Request for the Pro forma invoice
  • Bring Pro forma Invoice to any MBA Office
  • Pay 50% of the Total sum of Vehicle
  • 14 days of verification required
  • Pay 3.8% for comprehensive car insurance (When the car arrives)
  • Enjoy FREE Tracking Services
  • Fairly Used Vehicles

Real Estate

In a bid to help people acquire landed properties and help them save money, our real estate plan creates the opportunity for individuals to own any property of their choice at any location by investing 50% of the total cost of the property into our real estate platform.

Who is the CEO of MBA forex?

Maxwell Weli Odum is the Managing director and the CEO of Mba Forex

maxwell odum (@maxwell_w_odum) | Twitter
Maxwell Weli Odum

Well, MBA trade forex is doing just fine I must confess, after breezing through different reviews on websites and other people’s opinions on the MBA trade forex, they have a high level of integrity.

But then, there were listed as an Unlawful/unlicensed market operators by Security and Exchange Commission, Nigeria. Here is a link to the listing SEC list of suspected unlawful investment company

Meanwhile, MBA forex and capital investment was featured on where they talked about How Nigerians can fight Poverty if Forex potential is involved. And the ceo of mba forex Maxwelll Odum made this statement assurance live on guardian.

Odum warned Nigerians not to see forex trading as gambling, saying MBA Forex and Capital Investment Limited is registered and certified by the Central Bank of Nigeria, (CBN).He also added that the company has also been cleared by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

So if truly Mba forex is registered and well known by CBN and EFCC then that displays and atom of trust and credibility.

As if that is enough Maxwell odum the ceo of mba forex was also featured on saying the Nigeria Forex Market is largely Untapped live on lagos on an event called, ‘MBA Forex, from Bare2Blue’ revolution. And he said.

Odum said that by using institutional mechanism to drive a profitable foreign exchange in the country and with government regulation in the market, Nigeria might be set on its pathway into drastically reducing unemployment and its increasing poverty level.

Odum said, “MBA FOREX is changing the narratives, by pushing for regulation of forex companies coming into Nigeria. This will help in putting a check on fraudulent activities relating to forex trade and also protect Nigerians by ensuring that people go into forex through the right channels.

So with this kind of publicity and claims of being acknowledge by authoritative bodies such as EFCC, CBN and others, then Mba Forex is a real deal.

But then, why would SEC have them listed among the Unlawful Companies to be wary about .

Should You Invest in the MBA trade?

Now, it is time for decision making whether or not Mba trade forex investing is worth the risk.

If you may ask me, I would say stay clear because these are all investment scams which you should avoid,however, if you have the money to play the investment game, then make more indepth research and also, get in touch with them on a personal term and give a shot.

But then, the only investing advice I can give is not to invest the money you can’t afford to lose.


Investment poises risk, and therefore there’s an atom of risk investing with MBA Forex and Capital Investment.

But then, MBA forex invest in a proven business of which they have proven to be an expert and there are not a ponzi scheme.

Perhaps they also invest in treasury bills. But my advice for the public is to Invest what you can Afford to Lose.

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