NECO GCE Result 2020/2021 Out – See How To Check NECO GCE 2020 Result Online

NECO GCE result 2020/2021 is out officially and has been uploaded on the result checking portal.


The National Examination Council (NECO) has announced the release of the 2020/2021 NECO Nov/Dec examination result. That is the latest news from

neco gce 2020/2021 result checker

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If you have been finding it difficult to check your NECO GCE 2020 result, worry no more. We have the solution to the problem you are facing right now.

A lot of candidates have been facing issue of incorrect card details while trying to check their NECO GCE 2020/2021 result on The thing is you can no longer check your NECO/NECO GCE result on that portal as another portal is now being used.

Also, candidates can now check their results without scratch card. What you need is the token to check your result. In one word, scratch card has been replaced by token.

The 2020 NECO examination ended on Wednesday 19th December, 2020. The results have been released online.

This article will cover the following:

  • How to buy neco token to check SSCE, BECE and NCEE results
  • How to check NECO GCE 2020/2021 result online
  • How to get NECO GCE result checking pin
  • Frequently asked questions and answers

No time to waste, let’s dive right in!

How To Check NECO GCE 2020/2021 Result Nov/Dec Online

WHAT YOU NEED: A mobile phone/PC with access to the internet, a good browser, NECO pin and your Examination number.

NECO gce result checker portal 2019

STEP 1: Open your browser and visit new NECO result checking portal –

STEP 2: Select Examination Year ” 2020

STEP 3: Choose the Examination Type “Senior School Certificate Examination External” (same as NOV / DEC in this case)

STEP 4: Enter Your Token

STEP 5: Enter Your Registration Number

Your NECO Examination Number Can Be Found in front of your NECO ID card.

STEP 6: Click On “Check Result” button to check your result.

Your NECO GCE 2020/2021 result will be displayed to you. You can then proceed to print it out at any cyber cafe or you can save it as PDF for later use (very advisable).

IMPORTANT UPDATE: The results for 2020 have been fully uploaded online. You can start checking your result now.

NECO GCE Result 2020/2021 Result Statistics

A total of 41,459 candidates registered for the examination, while 39,503 took part in the exam. The registrar further explained that a total of 26,277 candidates obtained five credits and above including English Language and Mathematics while 34,014 candidates also obtained five credits and above irrespective of English Language and Mathematics.

FAQS On NECO GCE Result Checker 2020/2021

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”What is NECO Token?” answer-0=”NECO token is the new code to check your result instead of scratch card.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”How can I get my NECO GCE Token?” answer-1=”Follow the instructions in this article to get your NECO token and check your NECO GCE result with it online. It is very easy and fast.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”How Much Is NECO Token?” answer-2=”Each NECO token is costs Five Hundred Naira (N500) and about Fifty Naira (N50) service charge only.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”Can I check NECO GCE without scratch card pin?” answer-3=”You no longer need scratch card to check NECO or NECO GCE result. Only NECO token can now be used to check result online.” image-3=”” headline-4=”h3″ question-4=”Can I Use 1 NECO PIN to check 2 NECO GCE Results?” answer-4=”No! Each PIN can be used to check only one NECO or NECO GCE result. Once you check your result with a PIN, you cannot use it to check another candidate’s result.” image-4=”” headline-5=”h2″ question-5=”What is NECO registration number?” answer-5=”Your NECO examination number is the same examination number found on your NECO ID card.” image-5=”” count=”6″ html=”true” css_class=””]


08069232760, 08052218069, 08052218070, 08126886938, 08126886939, 08189342653, 08189342754

The NECO support lines are available between 8.00am and 7.00pm


If you enjoyed the article, don’t forget to share it using the share buttons below. If you have any issue with NECO result checking, use the comment section below.

101 Comments on “NECO GCE Result 2020/2021 Out – See How To Check NECO GCE 2020 Result Online”

  1. very soon without no specific date…..
    stop fooling us if you haven’t seen any confirmation on when the result is going to be out…..

    1. Calm down.

      First, I am not fooling you. I am stating facts here and I need to avoid giving out false information as much as I care about my readers.

      NECO GCE 2017/2018 results came out January 10, 2018. I don’t see any reason why 2018/2019 results should not be out very soon.

      Learn to be patient to get the real information and don’t be misguided.

          1. You’re welcome Dera.

            Note that there’s no official statement from NECO yet, so don’t be worried if it is not showing.

            I’ll let you know when the results are fully released.

  2. pls how soon is that sir? today is february 2 and is not yet out. Neco pls & pls release our result, some of us really need it as soon as possible

  3. what is happening? up to now I didn’t see my own, he is just showing me record not found plz and plz we need to use our result plz

    1. The NECO internal exam results came out 2 months and 5 days after the last paper was taken.

      This one will be out latest third week of February since the exam ended Dec 19, 2018. It could be earlier since less candidates take the external exam.

  4. Please when will neco remember us naa
    Me I need it for my clearance in school this is already February and they would soon call off this asuu strike please when will it be out

    1. The NECO SSCE internal exam results were released 2 months and 5 days after the last paper was taken.

      This one will be out latest third week of February since the exam ended Dec 19, 2018.

      1. which year?
        cos I know that 2018 neco internal exam results was released a month and 11 days after the last paper.
        dat’s from July 9th to August 20th.
        This one don even pass 45 days…
        Just praying for excellent grades.

  5. I am walk in candidate for neco gce, I just checked my result now it out but know English language include in the result, and that is the reason why I registered for this examination..the day I wanted to registered for the subject examination that the day English language was writing, I also wrote the paper.. But English language was not register into my photo card due to the failure of their network that day, now am so confused about the English because that what I really need for my clearance…any solution about the issue???

    1. When you were registering, the English Language did not show because of network and that’s what you needed?

      I think you should have asked them to register the English properly for you.

      I’ll suggest you go to any NECO office close to you.

      1. Okay sir, if I should go there hope their is still solution about it??.. I mean their will put the English back in the result sir?

    1. I’ve already bought scratch card but it’s still saying invalid card I’m thoroughly can you assist to check it

  6. pls sir I bought serial pin last week and I checked its showing invalid candidates number pls y is it so
    pls help

  7. Please I got a token card to check my result for external neco which was written Nov/Dec 2019 but is telling me that candidate record not found is it dat the result is not out or wat please ??

  8. I have problem with my own when I checked I saw registration number not recorded an I need this result so badly so I can start clearance. pls I need help

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