Physics Examinations Questions Senior Secondary School Students|Ss1 Promotion Examination

Physics Exam Questions


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These Exam Questions and Answers were compiled to serve as a reference material to help teachers set tests and examination questions.School pupils/tutors will find it very helpful in revision and exam preparation.


CLASS: SS1    


1. A field that has both magnitude and direction is called (a) scalar (b) vector (c) work (d) uniform

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2.The following are types of magnet except (a) natural magnet (b) artificial magnet (c) man-made magnet (d) sound magnet

3. The region of space  round a magnet in which the influence of the magnet felt or detected is called ______

4. Lines of force do not cross each others. True or False

5. The lines of force indicate the direction of the electric field.           True or False

6.________ is the instrument used in detecting a very small current in an electric circuit.

7. One of the following is the component of electric circuit (a) fuse (b) work (c) field (d) time

8. The formular W = QV, what is the SI unit of W.

9. The SI unit of Q is _____ (a) second (b) ampere (c) coulombs (d) Watt

10. The following are production of electric current except (a) chemical energy (b) solar energy (c) heat energy (d) close energy

11. The electric conductor which forms resistance to free flow of current is called ____ (a) resistor (b) ammeter (c) voltage (d) resistance

12. The energy that is transferred from a hot object to a cooler object as a result of their difference in temperature  is called (a) Expansion (b) heat Energy (c) Molecule (d) Temperature

13. Which of the following is not an effect of heat? (a) Change in temperature (b) Chemical change (c) Change in pressure (d) Fusion change

14. The ability or capacity to do work is called (a) Energy (b) Temperature (c) Atom (d) Pressure

15. Which of the following is not mode of heat transfer (a) Radiation (b) Conduction (c) Liquid (d) Convection

16. The instrument used in  measuring temperature is called (a) Barometer (b) manometer (c) Hydrometer (d) Thermometer

17. The process whereby solid changes to gas is (a) Sublimation (b) Evaporation (c) Vapour (d) Energy

18. Find the equivalent resistance when three resistors of an electric circuit 1Ω, 4Ω and 5Ω are connected in series (a) 10Ω (b) 20Ω (c) 25Ω (d) 15Ω

19. The instrument used in measuring voltage is called (a) Voltmeter (b) Ammeter (c) Thermometer (d) Hydrometer

20. The best metallic conductor is (a) Silver (b) Potassium (c) Helium (d) Oxygen

Theory (Answer only four (4) questions)

1.         Define the following terms:

(a) Field (b) Magnetism (c) Atom (d) Circuit (e) Current

2.         Distinguish between the following terms:

(a)        Current Electricity and Static Electricity

(b)        Close Circuit and Open Circuit

(c)        Variable Field and Uniform Field

(d)        Conductor and Insulator

(e)        Series and Parallel Connection of Resistors

3.         The formulae V = IR and I = Q/T have its usual meaning,

(a)        Write down the full meaning of each symbol.

(b)        State instrument used in measuring each symbol.

(c)        State the SI unit of each symbol.

4.         If three resistors 2Ω, 4Ω and 6Ω are connected in series and thereafter in parallel in the circuit. Calculate the equivalent resistor of the combination.

5a.        State Ohm’s Law

(b)        Write down the full meaning of Pd and Emf and give their similarities.

(c)        State four component of electric circuit

6a.        What is Resistance?

(b)        State four factors affecting electrical resistance of a wire

(c)        State three properties of electric lines of force 

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