Social Studies Exam Questions for Junior School students(JSS2)


Social Studies Exam Questions for Junior School students(JSS2)

Are you looking for social studies examination questions for junior school students?This question has been designed  to test your ability to read, comprehend, and interpret social studies exam and test questions. Teachers and students can use this questions to practice or test their proficiency in social studies.


These Exam Questions and Answers were compiled to serve as a reference material to help teachers set tests and examination questions.School pupils/tutors will find it very helpful in revision and exam preparation.

Class: JSS2   Time: 1 hour 30min  Subject: Social Studies

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  1. The group of people who have a common interest and are united for a particular purpose is called _____
  2. _____ group is made up of people who know one another very closely
  3. Marriage is _____________________________________________
  4. _____ refers to a number of persons who have or share a sense of belonging, and as a result, interact with one another
  5. _____ is the type of marriage that involves one man and woman as husband and wife
  6. The types of polygamous marriage are ________________ and ________________________
  7. ______ and ______ are types of good behaviour
  8. __________ are medicine which people take when there are ill
  9. The illegal excessive and dangerous use if drugs is known as ________________________
  • _________ and ______ agencies in charge of food and drugs made for human consumption
  • The business of buying, selling or dealing in drugs illegally is known as _________________
  • They way people act or do things is refers to as __________________
  • _______ is being poor and not able to provide your needs
  • The immoral, dishonest, illegitimate or illegal behaviour of people is called ______________
  • Any association whose activities are hidden to all except its members is known as _________

Section B- Answer only four questions in this section

  1. (a) What is the difference between behaviour and group behaviour (b) state types of group behaviour and explain them
  2. (a) State forms of marriage (b) mention four purposes of marriage
  3. (i) Identify five forms of drugs abuse (ii) state five common ways drugs are used by people (b) identify six consequences of drug abuse
  4. (i) Give five reasons why people traffic in drugs (ii) state three consequences or danger of drugs trafficking (b)list five causes of poverty
  5. (a) Mention five types of corruption (ii) state four causes of corruption

(b) identify seven causes of cultism

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