Top Exam Success Tips for Every Student

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Top Exam Success Tips for Every Student

Top Exam Success Tips for Every Student-The problem of measuring intelligence per se is that it is an inadequate guide to human capability, and that many of the ways we use to measure working intelligence are woefully inadequate.

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Surely those we should be seeking to identify and nurture are students with the capacity of effective or applied intelligence, those who can do something with what knowledge and skills they acquire.

There are simple reasons for this, apart from the failure of examinations to measure divergent thinking and creativity.

Too many ‘intelligent’ children, often bored by conventional learning, slip through the net. Others just think differently to the straitjacket dictated by ‘one size fits all’ exams. For instance, the list of those luminaries with learning difficulties who found it difficult to express themselves in conventional examinations makes for sober reading, (Tomar, 2016).

This poses the question as to just how many are badly served by traditional examinations, despite all the assistance offered through extra time, reader-writers and the use of technology. We only have to reflect on some of our leading public figures who dropped out of school and have ended up in prominent positions in public life to know that the traditional system of assessment was not capable of measuring their particular abilities, their sense of purpose, work ethic and creativity.

Top Exam Success Tips for Every Student

Think of Examination as a game

Having always been apprehensive of tests, I used to find it helpful to think of any exam as a game – against the examiner – which could be won or lost. Any team in a contest will always put their very best to come up successful and carry the crown. If exam is taken to be a test, then all effort should be channeled to obtain the necessary marks allocated to it so as to give you a good standing in the subject.

Use Visualization Techniques

Our past experiences literally imprint themselves on our minds, building up an expectation for the future. Your belief at the moment is that you ‘scrape through, or fail’.

Using visualization techniques, you can mentally rehearse the future going the way you would want it. With repetition, this will create a new impression on your mind, so when you face the situation for real, you will be able to behave in the way you would like to. You have had a number of successes already and have actually passed many exams – hold on to that. Focus on the positive aspects of the past rather than the negative ones, as this will spur you on to yet more successes.

Retain faith in your abilities Perhaps the problem is that you add up all your setbacks up until they become one long catalogue of failure. I suspect that, even though you say you are reasonably confident in your abilities, you have a deep-seated fear of disappointing those who say you are natural for some reason you believe that talent and competence are not enough and that somehow you lack the ‘winning’ spirit. We all struggle with self-belief; the trick is to maintain a certain facade of confidence, as well as faith in your own abilities. Building faith is the least thing but the most important thing to do while preparing to write any examination.

Believe me; no one has x-ray vision that will enable them to see the history of little failures that accompany us all in life

About NL-Staff

Editorial Staff at Information Resource and News Blog

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