10 Best Video Editing Tips for Beginners In July 2021

Videography can be a bit daunting for beginners. That’s because there are tons of amazing videos online, and thus, the bar has been set high by experienced video creators.


Now there’s one thing that can be done for making videos exclusive and professional. That is concentrating on the editing part. Here again, you will have to put in the best efforts in getting the right online video editor.

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But that’s not enough. You will have to work upon knowing the right video editing tricks and tips that will benefit you hugely as a beginner. Remember, a perfectly edited video is just as significant as the original content. Nevertheless, video editing can be tricky.

Forget that you are a beginner and use the video editing tips provided below to edit videos like a pro:

1. Choose the Perfect Editing Software Like InVideo

The very first step towards improving the video editing procedure is choosing the most advantageous video editor. Here the best choice would be InVideo. The software offers everything required for performing standard video editing.

It is highly preferred by professionals over the other tools available in the market mainly because of its digital interface, exemplary features, and usability. The best thing about using InVideo is that it is highly robust and offers several file formats along with unlimited functionalities.

2. Start the Editing Procedure Even Before Shooting Your Video

If you go by the advice of professionals, you will find that they take editing into consideration even before filming their videos. For instance, you can work upon taking special precautions while shooting, like using soundproof padding to reduce the echo.

Also, making the choice of the right microphone and camera for the studio setting will help you in fixing the majority of your problems. This way, you get rid of the issues that you might come across during the editing procedure.

3. Go for Tight Cuts

Cutting different scenes tight actually means editing unwanted pauses, losing dialogue lines, and using time-framed cutaways for closing gaps in between dialogues. The majority of the video assignments also come with an estimated run time that needs to be considered.

Hence, making tight and efficient cuts can help you in compressing time and will also save you from the hassle of going back and re-working scenes if the editing procedure runs long.

4. Having a Clear Vision Is Crucial

Prior to getting started as a beginner in video editing, it is important for you to take some time to ponder on the basic questions regarding the video you will be editing. Keep the audience in mind and the objective of the footage as well.

This requires having a clear story vision as this can help you in determining basic things such as the right order of the clips and the parts of the video that should receive the most attention. Having a clear vision can also help you in solving various advanced issues like the type of visual direction and art style you need to use.

5.  Always Get a Backup of Videos

This is probably one of the most important things you must do for your assignment. Making multiple backups of your videos will help you in saving the effort and the time that goes into getting the videos back in times when the computer crashes unexpectedly, or the editing program starts having problems.

Work on making a minimum of three backups of your videos and make sure to save them in different locations and forms.

6. Use Colors

Working on color when editing your videos is very important, and you must try to be a pro at it. As a beginner, you must know that there are two color editing procedures, namely, color grading and color correction.

Understanding these two procedures and handling them like a pro will make the video editing procedure a breeze for you. You must also ponder on how tone changes in your video, and accordingly, you must give it a warmer or a colder look.

7. Work on Adding Graphics and Text

Based on the type of video you are editing, it is essential for you to have good hands in including text, title, film credits, and opening or closing billboards. Try keeping everything clean and simple but make sure the assignment grabs attention.

You can also use your video editing software to add flashy graphics to your video. You can create top-quality motion graphics that will give your video an exclusive appeal.

8. Organize Media

If you are new to video editing, you will not know the importance of the different pieces of media and clips that need to stay together. For this, you will have to get into the habit of making clean and organized folders for keeping all your files.

You must organize all your clips just before starting the editing procedure. The way you organize them is completely upon you and will also depend on the type of videos you are editing.

9. Go Through Video Editing Data and Tutorials

Educational websites, YouTube, and blogs are jam-packed with useful tutorials. Going through these tutorials on a regular basis can help you in creating top-quality video content, even as a beginner.

The majority of the tutorials come free of cost, and hence they are easily accessible. You can use tutorials to improve the quality of your content and to achieve certain looks. Nevertheless, when trying to complete certain tasks, you must focus on the target version of the tool you are using.

10. Editing Out Mistakes Is Very Important

Most beginners in the field of video editing are of the view that simply editing speaking and technical mistakes gets the editing job done. But this is not the right procedure. As a beginner, you must try to edit all mistakes with complete finesse. This way, your content will be praised and valued.


Video editing will not be a daunting task for you if you keep these tricks and tips in mind as a beginner in this field. Work on them, master them, and you will soon take on editing like a professional.

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