WAEC Withheld (and Outstanding) Result 2022/2023 Release Date And Latest News Update


WAEC latest news on withheld result release date 2022/2023 and outstanding result release: Do you want to know when WAEC will release the held results and outstanding results for 2020? Then, continue reading the article below.


WAEC results 2022 have been released. At the same time, some candidates had their results withheld. 

In this article, I am going to give you the latest updates on WAEC 2022 withheld results including:

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WAEC held result 2020, when is WAEC held result 2020 coming out, WAEC outstanding result 2020, WAEC withheld result 2020 and so on..

WAEC withheld result 2020

Now, let’s get started.

The final decision on Held or Withheld results have been decided (either to be cancelled or released) by the Nigeria Examinations Committee (NEC) during their meeting which held between December 10 – December 12, 2020.

Latest Update On WAEC Withheld Result 2020

So, here’s the gist.

The good news is that the results those found innocent of examination malpractice(s) will released.

On the other hand, the result of those found guilty of shady examination practices will be cancelled.

The held results for 2020 WAEC exam have been released, following the 2020 Nigeria Examinations Committee (NEC) meeting that held between December 10, 2020 – December 12, 2020.

You can read the full details of the meeting below:

The Committee, which is the highest decision-making organ of WAEC on examination-related matters in Nigeria, meets twice a year, to consider matters relating to the conduct of the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for School Candidates and Private Candidates. Its statutory Chairman is the Chief Government Nominee on Council and Director of Basic and Secondary Education in the Federal Ministry of Education, Abuja.

Membership of the Committee comprises four representatives each, of the State Ministries of Education and the Department of Education of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja, ANCOPSS and the Universities. It also includes the Registrar to Council, Head of the Nigeria National Office, Head of the Test Development Division (TDD) and Head of the Test Administration Division (TAD) of the Council.

During the 70 Meeting, the Committee received reports on Irregularities, Special and Clemency Cases arising from the conduct of WASSCE for Private Candidates, 2019-Second Series and WASSCE for Private Candidates, 2020-First Series. The Committee also considered a report on the conduct of WASSCE for School Candidates, 2020, as well as irregularity Cases arising From the conduct of the examination.

In the course of considering the various reported cases of malpractice, the committee, after diligent deliberations, approved appropriate sanctions in all established cases of malpractice, as prescribed by the Rules and Regulations governing the conduct of the Council’s examinations. It approved that the entire results of candidates involved in proven cases, which attracted Cancellation of Entire Results (CER), be cancelled, while subject results of those involved in proven cases, which attracted Cancellation of Subject Results (CSR), be similarly cancelled.

In addition, some candidates will also suffer other sanctions Such as barring them from sitting tor the council’s examinations for a certain number of years, some schools will be derecognised tor a specified number of years or have all their recognition completely withdrawn, some supervisors that were round wanting in the discharge or their examination duties will be formally reported to their employers and blacklisted while some Invigilators will also be reported to the appropriate authorities for disciplinary action.

The decisions of the Committee will be implemented without delay and the affected candidates and schools duly informed by the Council. However, the results of candidates who were exonerated by the Committee will be released. Furthermore, the Committee considered Special Cases, Clemency Appeals from WASSCE for School Candidates, 2020 and Restitutions Cases for various years.

The Committee also received a report on the statistics of Entries and Results for WASSCE for Private Candidates, 2019-Second Series and WASSCE for Private Candidates, 2020-First Series. In addition, it received and considered the General Résumé of the Chief Examiners’ Reports on WASSCE for Private Candidates, 2020-First Series and WASSCE for School Candidates, 2020.

It also received and considered reports on the Activities of the Aptitude Tests Department (ATD), for the period March to October, 2020 and on the Activities of the Research Department of the Council for the period March to October 2020. With regard to the General Résumé of the Chief Examiners’ Reports on WASSCE for School Candidates, 2020, the Committee noted the observations by the Chief Examiners that the standard of the papers compared favourably with those of previous years and that the questions were within the scope of the id of Syllabuses as well as the abilities of the candidates.

They also reported that the rubrics were devoid of ambiguity, the marking schemes were comprehensive, accommodating possible candidates responses and the marks distributions were equitably done. The Committee noted the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates as reported by the Chief Examiners and the suggested remedies for the weaknesses.It commended the Council for braving all odds to successfully conduct and release the results of WASSCE for School Candidates, 2020 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. It also noted the decline in examination malpractice in the examination and called on WAEC to sustain the momentum in its fight against the menace. It, however, urged the Federal and State Ministries of Education to assist the Council in that regard through the monitoring and inspection of examination centres in their domain during the conduct of WASSCE.

The Committee noted with admiration the benefits of the Chief Examiners’ Report and appealed to Directors in the various State Ministries of Education, the All Confederation of Nigeria Principals of Secondary Schools and all relevant stakeholders to continue to sensitize their teachers on the efficacy of the Reports in the improvement of teaching and learning in schools. Finally, the Committee commended President Buhari’s administration for approving the establishment of the National Secondary Schools Commission in 2019 to oversee the operations of secondary schools in Nigeria and asked that all hands must be on deck to ensure the successful take-off of the Commission which it sees as a veritable tool in the fight against examination malpractice.

Issued by the Public Affairs Department
Signed: Demianus G. Ojijeogu, anipr – Head, Public Affairs
WAEC, Yaba, Lagos – 12th December 2020

nec meeting waec result statement

nec waec withheld result news

On withheld results of the WASSCE for School Candidates, 2020, NEC meeting was held from December 2020, 2020 to decide that results of those found guilty of exam malpractice should be cancelled & results of those exonerated be released fast.

You can now start check your WAEC withheld result 2020 on www.WAECdirect.org using the procedures below.

Why WAEC Results Are Withheld

According to a Tweet by the official WAEC Nigeria Twitter handle (@WAECnigeria) as seen in the screenshot below.

Results of candidates can be partially released because of errors traceable to them either during registration or examination but it can never be held ‘due to some errors’. Results are held when candidates violate the rules and regulations guiding the conduct of the examination.

waec withheld result 2018 reason

In order words, if a result is held, the fault is from the candidate.

Now, you may be thinking, “You did not cheat“. It’s possible you did not cheat and your result still withheld. This happens when your examination centre is found guilty of examination malpractice.

In this case, a lot of candidates may have their results withheld until proper investigation is carried out.

That is all for now on WAEC 2020 result withheld results release date. Don’t forget to drop a comment and share the article for more latest news on WAEC held results.

16 Comments on “WAEC Withheld (and Outstanding) Result 2022/2023 Release Date And Latest News Update”

  1. my last year gce result is still withheld,am done with my jamb jast waiting for result,i sat down for this exam cause i fail my maths please is there still hope for me

  2. My Gce 2018 results is still held,is there any hope Or should I apply for this year form?

  3. God how do they want us to develop interest on education when you suffered and register and it turns out to be your effort is in vain, i personaly did not perticipate in any malpractice but why will waec witheld my result please released my result oooh

  4. My result is withheld nd I registered for jamb with awaiting result do I still ve hope to register for p.utme

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