Why Is A Tall, Dark, And Handsome Man Considered A Desirable Person? What About The Other Types?

Why Is A Tall, Dark, And Handsome Man Considered A Desirable Person? What About The Other Types?

If you ask most ladies, especially African ladies, and black Americans, the choice of a man they want, they will immediately scream, tall, dark, and handsome. But have you ever wondered why this particular type is seen as desirable? And what about other types of attractiveness?


You must understand that desirability in physical appearance has long been a subject of fascination, cultural scrutiny, and debate. Among the many archetypes that have emerged, the image of a “tall, dark, and handsome” man is a widely acknowledged and celebrated ideal. But do all ladies love a tall, dark, handsome man?

This article will explore why a tall, dark, handsome man is considered desirable and other images some ladies desire as ideal.

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Why Is A Tall, Dark, And Handsome Man Considered A Desirable Person?

Here are the reasons why most ladies perceive a tall, dark, and handsome man as a person:

  1. Perceived Confidence and Charisma:

Tall individuals are usually perceived as having a physical presence that conveys confidence and authority. Historically, a tall man is seen as protective, and women love a man who can protect and shelter them. So most ladies, when they see a tall guy, they perceive him to be a protector, full of charisma and confidence.

2. Media Portrayals

Movies, television shows, and other media often perpetuate certain beauty ideals. Tall, dark, handsome men are frequently cast as romantic leads or characters. Media representations have greatly influenced the concept of beauty and attractiveness in the 21st century.

The same way a lady of hour-glass shape is considered alluring and beautiful, the same way a tall, dark, and handsome man is considered attractive and super sexy. Also, the media had painted a picture of “black is beauty,” so a darker complexion is associated with alluring quality.

This is why most ladies want their men to look like Idris Elba, Rege-Jean Page, or Dwayne Johnson. To most ladies, if you aren’t tall, black, and handsome, you do not portray the 21st-century ideal man.

3. Perceived Leadership

Tall men are associated with dominance, masculinity, and authority, historically linked to leadership roles. This makes the man super attractive and sexy to the ladies. Most women love men who know their authority and use it well, not men who act childish and afraid. Tall men are synonymously considered brave, even though not all are brave. Women are the softer gender, so they need a strong and brave man, so in that quest, they go for tall, dark, and handsome men.

4. Social Pride

Most 21st-century ladies love to flaunt their men on social media. So, if the man is tall, dark, and handsome, they will be proud to flaunt it and show him off the world. It makes them feel on top of the world dating a man who exhibits the ideal man’s beauty standard. Also, most ladies perceive that taking pictures with a tall, dark, and handsome man is cuter than a chubby or short man.

What About The Other Types?

Not all women are caught in the web of wanting a tall, dark, and handsome man. There are other qualities that women consider desirable, and without that, they can’t settle with the man, even though he is tall, dark, and handsome. Here are some of the other types.

1. Intelligence

There are people called “sapiosexuals.” These are people who find intelligence sexually appealing regardless of their physical characteristics. Some ladies desire men who are intellectually compatible with them. You should either be at their levels or above them.

This is where you hear a lady saying that she can’t date a man who doesn’t have a Master’s degree or who does not articulate thoughts and express complex ideas. Also, some ladies have rules that they must date from a particular profession due to the intelligence people in that profession possess.

It’s important to note that intelligence comes in various forms, and people possess different types of intelligence, such as emotional intelligence, creative intelligence, or analytical intelligence. So, sapiosexual women are drawn to one or more of these intelligences.

2. Athletic or Fit

An athletic guy with well-defined muscles, abs, broad shoulders, six packs, visible muscles in the arms and legs, and abdomen are most 21st-century women’s spec. They can do anything to get a man with these fitness characteristics.

Many women don’t care about your complexion or your facial beauty as long as you have these fitness characteristics. The media has portrayed sexy or hot men as men with six packs, broad shoulders, and visible muscles. They are practically seen as sex idols.

An athletic or fit guy with strong muscles is perceived as brave and a protector. This is why most ladies crush on Hollywood stars like Chris Evans, Charlie Hunnam, Chris Evans or Idris Elba.

3. Baby-Face and Smooth Skin

The popularity of K-pop and K-dramas have redesigned the beauty standard of an ideal man in the Asian world. An ideal man is seen as tall with a baby face and smooth skin.

A “baby-faced” appearance refers to a person with facial features perceived as youthful and soft, similar to the features typically associated with infants or young children. This includes smooth and clear skin with fewer visible signs of aging, such as wrinkles or fine lines, round checks, small nose and chin, soft facial contours, and facial symmetry. This is why you will see ladies crushing on K-pop or K-drama stars.

Most men who do not have these characteristics have had to undergo surgery to get the look—no wonder South Korea is regarded as the cosmetic surgery capital of the world.

4. Intrinsic Values

Some ladies are after the soul of a man rather than his body. They first fall in love with your intrinsic values before considering your physical appearance. To ladies like that, intrinsic values are highly valued qualities.

Here are some intrinsic values that make these women fall in love. They are as follows:

  • Empathy: The ability to understand the feelings of others component of compassion. Empathetic individuals are often perceived as considerate and understanding.
  • Generosity: Acts of kindness and generosity, whether big or small, can make a person more attractive. A willingness to help others without expecting anything in return is often seen as a positive and selfless trait.
  • Altruism: A genuine concern for the good of others and a commitment to positively impacting the world can be attractive.
  • Positive Attitude: A positive and uplifting attitude contributes to an attractive personality. Individuals who radiate positivity and kindness can create a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere.
  • Patience: Kind and compassionate individuals often exhibit patience and understanding, especially in challenging situations.
  • Respect: Treating others with respect, regardless of differences, is a fundamental aspect of kindness. Respecting others’ opinions, boundaries, and individuality fosters positive connections.
  • Forgiveness: Forgiveness and letting go of grudges is a sign of emotional maturity and compassion. Forgiving individuals are often seen as understanding and open-hearted.
  • Acts of Service: Taking action to help others or contribute to their well-being through simple gestures or more significant efforts demonstrates kindness. Acts of service can enhance attractiveness.
  • Compassionate Listening: Being a good listener and showing genuine interest in others’ concerns or joys is a trait associated with kindness.
  • Empathetic Communication: Communicating in a way that reflects empathy and understanding can strengthen interpersonal bonds. The ability to communicate with sensitivity is an attractive quality.

Some ladies are attracted to men with one or more of these values. Religious and spiritual women are attracted to intrinsic values in men rather than their physical composition.

5. Artistic or Creative

One of the ideal men images women desire is artistic or creative men. An artistic or creative man is often perceived as attractive for his ability to express himself in unique and imaginative ways.

Artistic individuals often have a flair for expressing themselves, whether through visual arts, writing, music, or other creative outlets. Their ability to communicate emotions and ideas compellingly can be attractive. You shouldn’t be surprised to see women wishing to marry their favorite musician or dancer.

6. Sense of Humor

A sense of humor is often considered a highly attractive quality in individuals. A good sense of humor can enhance social interactions, foster positive relationships, and create an enjoyable and lighthearted atmosphere. Some women love playful men who can express witty remarks with a sharp sense of humor.

Research has shown that adding humor to abs makes men more attractive to women. Some sapiosexual women love intelligent men with a sense of humor.


The perception of a tall, dark, and handsome man as desirable is deeply rooted in the historical ideals of strength, masculinity, and leadership and through media representations that depict such individuals in roles associated with attractiveness and desirability.

However, it’s crucial to recognize the diversity of preferences and the subjective nature of attractiveness. While the tall, dark, and handsome stereotype remains prominent, other types also hold considerable appeal.

Attributes such as intelligence, kindness, creativity, and a sense of humor are equally valued by many individuals, emphasizing that attractiveness extends beyond physical appearance. Preferences are personal, and people are drawn to various qualities that resonate with their values, experiences, and cultural backgrounds.

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