How to pass JAMB without stress in 2022

How to pass JAMB without stress in 2022

Failing JAMBis a phrase that many youngsters today cannot envisage happening even in their worst nightmare. Not only does it come with a bag load of shame but it also takes at least a year from those who fail to clear it in one sitting. For this reason, many want to know how to pass JAMB without stress in 2022. This article will show you just how. 


We have always sat in the exam hall, waiting to get the JAMB question paper, well now it is fully computer based with the exam in a whole different environment and new playing field.

It doesn’t matter if you study English, mathematics, economics or chemistry, all JAMB exams can be dealt with in the same way. 

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Today we share with you this set of tips that will help you understand how to answer the exam and pass JAMB without stress.  


These tips for success in JAMB exams may not be new, but they are a sure way on how to pass JAMB without stress or malpractice in 2022.

How to pass JAMB without stress in 2022 

1. Review the previous exam forms (past questions) 

To succeed in JAMB, there is no way to prepare for taking an exam for a subject, better than to practice previous exam models for the same subject. This is by far the surest way to pass JAMB without stress. 

If you want to use a way to test yourself and have enough time to try previous exams in practice, try this tool for making an online test and calculating the time you need to pass each question.

2. Read all the questions carefully

You may misread the question because of the pressure caused by the atmosphere and ambience of the exam hall. 

The psychological pressure caused by exhaustion in preparation might also play a part, but remember the goal: pass JAMB without stress. 

If you were to start answering hastily rather gradually to the questions, you will eventually realize that you made a mistake and wasted a valuable time. 

So when you receive the exam paper, read the questions in 10s carefully so that you are sure of the correctness of your choices, and to highlight how much you know about the topic of each question.

3. Manage your time

At this particular point, you should be strict with yourself. Once you have set the time limit for each question, you should answer it all at once, without hesitation, or else you will not be able to give the next question your full attention and concentration.

Divide the number of JAMB questions by the allotted 120 minutes, and try not to spend more time on a single question. 

4. Structure your answers

Dealing skillfully with the exam does not mean that you jump straight to the answers.

How to pass jamb without stress 2022

Rather, you should use some of the first few minutes to plan for structuring long ones like the ones that involve graphs or diagrams. 

This advance preparation will save you a lot of time when delving into this type of answer.

5. Answer most remembered first

You should answer all the questions that you know and remember their full dimensions first, as delving into questions that are still being processed may waste a lot of time. 

In order to pass JAMB without stress, there is a pertinent necessity to put your focus on those whose answer comes first to you, as this also boosts your confidence. 

6. The easiest then the hardest, the shortest then the longest

Students make the mistake of answering the most difficult questions – from their point of view – before the easy ones, as well as answering the questions that require lengthy calculations before the short ones. 

This may cause an unexpected waste of time, and once those stressful answers are over, you find that the time is almost over and there are questions that you know well, but do not have enough time to answer.

To pass JAMB without stress, you mustn’t fall into this category. 

7. Finally, check your answers completely

Smart students often make the mistake of handing over an answer sheet without checking their answers, and this stems from their self-confidence. 

To show real confidence and pass JAMB without stress, take a deep breath and see if you have answered all the questions without missing a single one of them. 

Then proofread all your answers as much as possible to correct the mistakes you may have made without noticing. 

You’d be surprised how useful these last ten minutes can be. Since this is the last chance to prove your knowledge, don’t waste it.

Tips to pass JAMB in 2022 without stress

  1. Don’t ignore any question, and try to answer all the questions while there is time left.
  2. Don’t try to answer the questions in an unreasonable way or make your answers scientifically inconsistent, because you may miss scores for correct answers.
  3. Although still a rumor, it is rife that there are some types of questions with negative marking. If you are not sure of the answer, don’t cost yourself some marks.
  4. If you are befuddled on a question, feel free to move on to another question, and come back to it later.
  5. JAMB is not designed to trap and deceive you, so do not panic on the day of the exam, as this feeling will exhaust you and reflect negatively on your answers.
  6. Confidence plays a vital role, so convince yourself that you know how to answer the questions so you can actually do so.

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