Why unique content is important and how to create it?

The content marketing strategy has improved over the years. Now, many blogs, websites are competing for the same content, the content is diversified, there are multiple articles available on the same topic.


To stand out from your competitors you can’t ignore the importance of unique content. You can create unique content based on the interests and questions of your customers and users.

Not everyone can write a unique content event after proper research and using different online sources etc. Mostly writers copy the ideas and thoughts of other writers and rewrite the same content by using a different writing style.

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This is not worthy at all as it will not add any value to the life of readers. What is the point of coming to your website if you cannot write something unique to stand out! Something extraordinary and unusual.


In this article, we will uncover why unique content is important and how it can improve your overall content strategy.

Why unique content is important?

1.      Search engines rank unique articles:

Google search engines are very smart and they care about unique content because customers and clients are looking for unique and well-researched articles that have all the answers od customer queries and that are written with user intended purpose.

Search engines can recognize in seconds whether your content is unique or not and even finding the matching source, date of published content, and all the details of that website.

You not only deceive search engines by using duplicate policies but you also cheat your audience, customers, and other users who are looking for information related to that topic.

Search engines mostly avoid duplicate and plagiarized content and these websites can never rank on the top pages.

Although unique content may require some time to rank on top pages your uses and the genuine audience will improve the overall analytics and landing time of your page and your website/blog will rank on the top pages if you keep producing high-quality content consistently.

2.      Improves organic reach:

Sooner or later, the unique and high-quality content can never remain undiscovered.

If you provide your readers with the value they are looking for and clearing all the doubts and confusions of your audience then you will rank on the top pages, as your audience will keep sharing the content with other members, friends, social media accounts, etc.

Based on the number of views, shares, and high organic reach of your content, the search engines bots will improve the ranking of your page.

You are creating content for your audience, and if your audience appreciates and shares your content on different social media accounts, more people will discover your content and it will attract maximum people to your website and overall organic reach will exponentially increase.

3.      Build your brand and authoritativeness:

If you are running an online business or running a blog, the unique content is even more important.

High quality and a well-researched article make readers feel that you have done enough effort to satisfy your user with the content he/she is looking for. And it will build authoritativeness and improve the recognition of your business.

Your brand will be linked with high quality and the content created for the users and customers, providing the information that is not available on other websites, etc.

Producing high-quality content consistently will help to promote your business to the leading customers and you don’t have to run paid ads to create brand awareness, your content marketing strategy will do that work.

How to write unique content:

  • To write unique content, you need to find what kind of content your readers are looking for, you can find these questions on different apps and websites like Quora, ask public, etc.
  • Do proper keyword research and prepare an outline and use these keywords naturally in your content.The keywords should be repeated 3-4 times in a 1000 word article. The repetition of keywords sounds fluffy and reduces the credibility.
  • Know how to write unique and better content by researching on different websites and using sources like podcasts, youtube, Facebook, Instagram, and Quora, etc.The purpose should be to write better content than your competitors and to include the information, your competitor has not written.
  • Prepare the outline for writing the article and include statistics, infographics, images, videos for explaining your content.
  • For writing and creating error-free and plagiarism-free content you can use a plagiarism checker online, this tool will detect plagiarism since you inserted content in it.

For rewriting articles, you can use  AI-based rewriting tools if you want to create content in bulk like the Paraphrasing tool.

This paraphrasing tool is easy to use and free to use and free to use and you can rewrite the content as much as you can. The rewritten content can not be detected by any plagiarizing tool and create unique content.


As long as the content is unique and intended for users and audiences, the organic reach and visibility of the content will improve exponentially.

Another bonus tip is to recreate your existing content to keep your users updated with the latest information.

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