6 Reasons You Should Learn Python

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to learn how to code, whether in Python or another language. First, learning to code can help you improve problem-solving and logical skills, both important parts of programming. Second, learning to code can help you work on projects you’re interested in because you can build anything with technology if you know how to code.

Once you’ve decided to learn to code, you still have to answer a big question: which language should you learn? You’ll hear many experienced developers telling you to learn Python – but why?

So if you are wondering why Python is getting so much attention, we’ll answer that question in this article. Let’s look at the top six reasons why you might want to learn how to code in Python.

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  1. Artificial Intelligence

The future of IT will be dominated by artificial intelligence, without a doubt. And it’s no secret that Python is quickly becoming the language of choice for computer science researchers. Python is projected to dominate the machine learning environment for some time due to its flexibility, speed, and machine learning features. It is possible to perform machine learning with the help of Python’s libraries such as Keras and Tensorflow.

With Python dominating the tech landscape, there are many opportunities for beginners to learn Python anywhere in the world. For example, if you reside in Singapore, just search “artificial intelligence course Singapore,” and you will find a Python course at the top of the list.

  1. Beginner Friendly

Python is a straightforward language to learn compared to its predecessors like Java and C/C++. It is a user-friendly language without any complex commands you need to memorize to write efficient code. For example, to print “Hello World!” in C++ and Python, the following codes will be used:

C++: cout << “Hello World!”
Python: print(“Hello World!”)

It is just one of many examples of how Python has simplified programming in every aspect.

  1. Versatile Applications

For any project, the more coding languages you employ, the more connections and synchronizations you need to ensure the smooth execution of the project. Python also solves this problem. NumPy for numerical and linear computing, Pandas for data collection and cleaning, and Django for backend web development.

These are a few of many examples that show the versatility of Python. For example, to build a website that collects and sorts any data, you can use Django to build the backend of the website, Scrapy to collect the data, and Pandas to clean it. You can perform all these tasks with just a single programming language.

  1. Data Handling Capability

Another important reason to learn Python is its data handling capability. All the previous languages are severely lacking in this regard. Due to their complex nature and lack of efficient and handy libraries, programming languages like C++ and Java are second to Python in terms of Data handling. Libraries such as “PyDoop” can help you sort the data in an HDFS cluster and quickly process large amounts of data.

Other libraries like “Dask” and “PySpark” are explicitly designed to handle and process extensive data without any problems. These features of Python make it a favorite in the tech community.

  1. Data Science

Data Science and Python go hand-in-hand. Data Science is now an established field that has a considerable market. Data Science deals with all sorts of data on the internet that tech giants use to analyze the current and generate future trends and make vital decisions based on the data. Python is essential for learning data science due to its versatile libraries.

With libraries like “NumPy” and “Pandas,” sorting and processing the collected data has become effortless. Even matrices, tabular and statistical information can be quickly processed with libraries like “MatPlotLib” and “Seaborn,” which is only possible with Python.

  1. Supportive Communities

One of the best reasons to learn Python is the ever-growing supportive community of this programming language. The secret lies in using GitHub, a global web platform where program files are easily uploaded and secured. GitHub is an easy-to-use platform that acts as a worldwide library.

You can keep your programs private or share them with your friends or the entire community and similarly access the archives of fellow programmers. So, if you’re in a pinch during a project, there is an excellent chance you will find similar projects that will help you out, and then you can give back to the community. Even if you don’t see a solution, there are other active Python communities where you will be able to discuss anything.


You can’t learn a programming language that is “better” than another. Each language has its unique set of solutions depending on the situation. Because of this, Python is a popular choice for novices. The language’s syntax is simple, and programmers earn a lot of money. Anyone who wants to learn how to code can benefit greatly from taking Python courses.

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