N-Power Salary Structure

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N-Power is a scheme initiated by the Nigerian federal government in order to equip Nigerians with employment and economic potentials. As a socio-economic scheme, N-Power avails Nigerian youths the opportunity to acquire economic and technical skills required for survival in the contemporary society.


While N-Power also seeks to equip non-graduates with the necessary technical and business skills that promote standards of living, the programme is basically divided into the 3 segments below:

  1. N-Power Knowledge (25,000 non-graduates)
  2. N-Power Build (75,000 non-graduates)
  3. N-Power Teachers Corps (500,000 graduates)

N-Power’s Areas of Focus

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N-Power applicants have to be aware of the areas the programme majorly prioritizes for the training of participants. These areas are considered the cornerstone of N-Power and they are as follows:

  • Vocation
  • Technology
  • Agriculture
  • Animation
  • Post production
  • Teaching
  • Community Service
  • Health

N-Power Salary Structure

The table below shows the details of the monthly stipends attached to the various N-Power programmes.

N-Power Programmes   Monthly Stipends (#)
N-Power Community Education Programme 10,000 –30,000
N-Power Build Programme 27,000 –30,000
N-Power Health Programme 30,000 –40,000
N-Power Teach Programme 28,000 –30,000
N-Power Tech (Software) Programme 20,000 –40,000
N-Power Agro Programme 25,000 –30,000
N-Power Tech (Hardware) Programme 20,000 –40,000
N-Power Creative Programme 10,000 –30,000

This article, so far, has provided you genuine information on almost everything you need to know about N-Power. But if you wish to get more info about N-Power, do well to visit the official website of the programme.

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