How To Learn A New Skill In 2021 (And Never Give Up Until You Actually Do)

how to learn a new skill in 2020

Have you always wanted to learn a new skill? Whether it is arts, sports, music or ICT skills, I’m quite sure you have a reason you have decided to learn the skill.


how to learn a new skill in 2020

It can even be personal skills such as Communication skills, Management skills, Leadership skills e.t.c.

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One way or the other, you might have been delaying the process.

Whatever reason lures you into this approach, you should keep in mind that this unique way of learning comes with unique benefits that represents the point of self-learning.


In this guide, I will be revealing to you 5 easy-peasy steps to teach yourself new skill.

Are you ready? Then, let’s dive right in!

How To Learn A New Skill In 2021

1. Find A Reason To Learn A New Skill

You don’t just want to wake up and say, “I want to starting learning JAVA today” or “I want to learn how to play Violin” without any reason.

Yes, it’s possible to start that way.

But, trust me, you will most likely give up even before you start the journey.

So, why don’t you ask yourself the simple question:

Why do I want to learn this skill?

Whatever the reason might be, it may be:

  • You find it fun and like to do it
  • You think it will help you fit in
  • It might help you land a job in the future

Hold on to that reason and move to the next part.

2. Find A Community or Partner

One of the things that can keep you motivated to learn a skill is to find other people who are learning the same skills.

You can find online forums or communities of people who are learning the same skill and join one or a few of them.

Better, find people who live close to you or attend the same school (people you can easily contact and not just online).

By being in contact and learning together, there will be a kind of Public Display of Accountability (PDA) that will help and motivate you to keep going.

You can even set goals for each other.

It’s like being in a friendly competition.

3. Look For Good Resources

When it comes to self-learning, two things are your best friends:

  • Internet
  • Books

Trust me, these 2 resources will answer all your questions.

With the internet, you have access to thousands/millions of tutorial websites that are free/paid.

You also have access to YouTube videos.

With books, you are the only one who is controlling the pace of learning.

The most important thing is to learn how to find the best resources you need to obtain your desired skills.

4. Try And Fail

Yes, you don’t have to fail.

But, what if you do?

It means you are closer to getting the new skill in your hand.

If you never failed, it means you have never tried something new.

When you have a teacher, you have a direct guide on how good your practice is.

On the other hard, failure might be your only indicator when it comes to self learning.

In order to get the best result, you need to learn how to stand up after every fall.

When you keep pushing, you will get a fundamental understanding of the skill combined with the strengthened character you need.

5. Have A Clear Vision

One of the most intimidating things about self-learning is that you do not have any guidance to the subjective skill that you are going after.

Instead of sitting in a class, wondering how a particular thing you are being taught will turn out to be of a good use for you, you actually have to work your way backwards in this case.

Firm idea of your goal will help you to notice the things that went into the end result, after which you should focus your research on how those things are being done.

For example, say you are interested in becoming a painter.

You see a painting of a big mountain that is so realistic, you start to wonder how it was made.

After you’ve tried to sketch your own mountain picture, you realize that the painting you saw had much more life-like colors and much more curve-defining shadows.

So you start looking for books on color theory and shadows.

Did you just see how a clear vision can lead your way into learning skills?

Let’s move on.

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