A Miniature Color App Web Designers Will Really Like [Android]

Color art work

Color has a major role when it comes to art because it is the basic and the foundation of art itself, originated from centuries ago. It blends with life so much that it will be hard to seperate the two without affecting the other. While it is faintly notice by some, it is heavily rely on by others.

From colors comes different patterns, ranging from textures to themes. Designer in all categories make use of colors in their work and so likewise artists, webmasters, and graphics designers. Assigning a specific color to an object may be a simple thing for those outside-the-field, but knowing the property of each color and blending it together to make a masterpiece is a professional work.

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Common color conversion known are RGB, HEX, CMYK, HSV, HSB, HSL, and Lab – these gives properties of each color and highlight the differences between each color even if they look alike in the human eye. There are few Android apps that helped in generating these color conversions and among them is Color Hex, which can’t be overlook.

Color Hex for Android Interface

Color Hex is an app developed by Deve in 2011, a simple yet most useful app for webmasters and designers out there. It comes with an easy-to-understand interface where colors can be generated and at the same time converted. In the main interface at the upper left is a square box that shows the preview of a color generated by tuning the three RGB controls below it.

Also, there is a space at the bottor left where an Hex code can be inserted to preview the exact color of what it represent. Color Hex can convert RGB, HEX, HSL, and CMYK color systems. The app is only 22KB in size and it work on all phones running Android 2.3 upward.

Must Read: Color Grab: Capture Colors In Real Time With Your Android Phone

Download Color Hex

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