About us

Who We Are

Since ccnworldtech was launched in 2011, we’ve made it our mission to simplify complex tech-related information and decisions for our readers, giving them the confidence to manage every aspect of their daily tech and how-to life.

ccnworldtech.com is a Premier  Blog focused on providing General premier information and tech-related tips, tricks, How-Tos, news, and articles around the world in real-time.

It is all about delivering technical specifications people are unaware of, exposing them to what their device contains, the ability they possess, and their true value. We’ve been around since 2011, broadcasting what pertains to people’s needs, from household electronic appliances to home-made products.

Our mission is to help people know more about every gadget they use, to suggest and enlighten them on the type of products that will suit their taste, to alert and make them aware of upcoming and newest releases, and to tutor them on how to get the best out of their handheld and tech pertaining devices.

In delivering our news content, we are;

We are non-partisan.

We report stories as we find it without any political or ideological leaning.

We are a mission-based organization dedicated to serving the public interest by providing access to accurate, insightful information about events.

CCNWORLDTECH reaches an influential audience of approximately 1 million readers each month in many countries and territories.

We reach an audience that is young, affluent and highly educated.

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