Agricultural Science Exam Questions For SS1



Agricultural Science Exam Questions For SS1

CLASS: SS 1               

SUBJECT: Agricultural Science               

 TIME: 2hours

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all questions in Section A and any four in Section B

Section A: Objective

  1. The process of growing crops for domestic and commercial purposes is called__________
  2. _____________ is the process of filling the ingeminated seeds of crops (a) thinning (b) pruning (c) supplying (d) refilling.
  3. Crops which have two seed leaves or cotyledon are referred to as_____________
  4. The botanical name of cassava is known as_______ (a) oryza spp (b) zea mays (c) manihot spp (d) dioscorea spp.
  5. Soil organisms include the following except? (a) earth worm (b) termite (c) fungi (d) birds.
  6. The three types of rocks are_____________, ______________ and____________________
  7. _____________ is the study of crop plant and animal in relation to their environment.
  8. The two components of agricultural ecology are______________ and____________________
  9. The following are factors of soil formation except______ (a) biotic factor (b) climatic factor (c) parent material (d) temperature.
  10. ___________, __________ and_________ are the three processes of soil formation.

Section B

1a.       What is crop production?

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  1. State at least five different classes in which crops can be classified with examples.

2a.       What is cultural practices?

  1. Write short note on the following: (i) pre-planting operation (ii) planting operation (iii) post planting operation.

3a.       Define pasture and forage crops?

  1. State five uses of forage crops.

4a.       Write short note on the following: (a) Annual crops (b) Biennial crops (c) Perennial crops (d) Ephemerals.

  1. What is monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plant.

5a.       What is Agricultural ecology?

b.         State the importance of agricultural ecology.

CLASS: SS1             

SUBJECT: Agricultural Science                  

 TIME: 2hours

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all questions in Section A and any three in Section B

Section A: Objective

  1. Animal droppings are used as_______ to improve the soil fertility (a) food (b) manure (c) plant (d) tools.
  2. Foot and mouth disease is caused by____ (a) sickness (b) rain (c) virus (d) discomfort.
  3. All these are animal feeds except? (a) basal (b) supplements (c) concentrate (d) chemical.
  4. ____ can be referred to as the field where animals graze (a) field (b) straw (c) pasture (d) hay.
  5. ____ protect the animals from rain and heat of the sun (a) housing (b) capital (c) labor (d) exercise.
  6. Animal diseases are classified into____ (a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 2.
  7. Viral diseases are diseases caused by (a) bacteria (b) animal (c) virus (d) malaria.
  8. In____ system less capital is required (a) intensive (b) extensive (c) battery cage (d) housing.
  9. The food components that give energy to the animal body is___ (a) protein (b) tissue (c) carbohydrate (d) water.
  10. Animals are kept by farmers for the following reasons except (a) meat (b) milk (c) egg (d) garri.


1a.       Define farm animal husbandry

(b)       List three methods of farm animal husbandry.

2a.       What is hygiene in animal farm

(b)       List four conditions in maintaining good hygiene.

3a.       Mention four measures of preventing or controlling diseases.

  1. List five symptoms of viral disease in farm animals.
  2. Write short note on two of the following: (i) mono cropping (ii) continuous cropping (iii) monoculture (iv) crop rotation.

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