BBNAIJA: Kaisha’s Post Eviction Exclusive Interview-Who She Thinks Will Win

Evicted BBNaija 2020 Housemate, Kaisha had her first official interview with Ebuka where she spilled a lot of interesting things. She talked about the relationships in the house, why she wasn’t liked about her fellow housemates, and who she feels will win the grand prize.

1.On relationship with her fellow housemates
She said she was misunderstood a lot by her housemates and she felt they were been fake.

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2. On who she bonded with the most
TrikyTee, Wathoni and Bright O

3. On who she liked
She said she had no intention to be in a relationship with anyone although she liked Neo because he was the first person to strike a conversation with her in the house. She however said the likeness soon faded away at some point.

4. On romantic relationships in the house
Kaisha revealed that apart from the connection between Laycon, Erica, and Kidd, all other relationships were unreal. She says Neo and Vee seem to be acting while Ozo is head over heels with Nengi but is not sure Nengi feels the same way.

5. On the fight with Nengi
She said there was nothing previously between them and was shocked by how the fight escalated over water.

6. On who she will choose between Triky Tee, BrightO and Neo
She would choose Neo.

7. On selling herself in the house
She said she was 100% Kaisha nothing more.

8. On future plans
She said she will allow God to direct her path but will definitely continue her skincare brand and also wants to further her education.

9. On who will likely win
She said Dorathy as she feels she has been real from day one.

Watch the video from the interview here

About Esther Talk

Esther is a seasoned writer and broadcast journalist with years of experience in both media, print, and broadcast journalism. A graduate of Sociology/Anthropology with a passion for editing and journalism.

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