Easy Guide On How To Root And Install CWM Recovery On All MTK Android Devices


Many Android users still find it difficult to get the specific ClockWorkMod Recovery (CWMR) that will work on their phone after root. You may ask what is the usefulness of installing a custom recovery after gaining root permission and Superuser? a simple answer to that question is getting root and Superuser permission makes your phone vulnerable, unsecure, and unprotected, custom recovery serve as a protective measures in securing, patching and gaining full permission to Android System bootloader so that incase anything goes wrong you can manually reverse and make changes, which ofcourse can only be carried out via bootloader/fastboot.

One of the main usefulness of a custom recovery i.e ClockWorkMod or TWRP is its ability to backup the entire Android system files and save it on an external storage, this is called nandroid backup and it can be easily restored back if ever wanting to use it again. Custom recovery is also what is used in flashing custom ROMs, Bootloaders, Kernels, and others.

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For MTK (MediaTek) users who have difficulties in finding a custom recovery that works for their phone, an XDA developer named Kingston1 has provide an easy alternative way for rooting and installing ClockWorkMod recovery to your MediaTek Android device, the process we’ll be sharing works on almost all MTK powered smartphones.

DISCLAIMER: This information is intended for experienced users only. It is not intended for basic users and hackers. Please do not try the following method if you are not familiar with mobile phones. We will not be responsible for the use or misuse of this information, including loss of data or hardware damage. So use it at your own risk.

Before you begin, pls make sure you do a full nandroid backup.

Three tools are required, download and save them on your PC. Note: the password is awaisking

1. Download MTK VCOM Drivers => here
2. Download SRS Tool => here
3. Download MTK Droid Tool => here

Now follow the procedures below:

1. Connect your phone to your PC (Make sure you enable USB Debugging)

2. Install MTK VCOM Drivers

3. Extract and install MTKDroidTool, open it and press ROOT button.

4.Select root, backup, recovery tab and select To use boot from phone option,
then press Recovery and Boot button.

5. Press YES when asked for Automatic CWM recovery

6. Press NO button when asked for Flash Patched BOOT.IMG

7. Press YES button when asked for Install created recovery to phone

Thats all, to check if recovery works press YES button when asked for Reload phone in recovery. If you experience any difficulties drop your comment below, or visit the official thread on XDA.

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