English Language Examination Questions and Answers for JSS1 & JSS2


English Language Examination Questions and Answers for JSS1 & JSS2

These English Language questions and answers were pulled from our database (English Language questions for Jss1 and Jss2); Compiled efficaciously  to serve as a reference material to help teachers draw up test and exam questions faster and easily .


It could also assist  students assess their level of exam preparation. Each sample question includes correct answers.

The Questions are based on the current NERDC curriculum (UBE compliant)

Sample English Language Exam Questions and Answers


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Write a letter to your friend in another school telling her/him about your past inter-house sport competition.


SECTION B (COMPREHENSION): Answer all questions


Transport is the means of carrying people or goods from one place to another. In the primitive days when there was no means of transportation, people went on foot from one place to another. Long distances from one division to another took days and nights before they arrived at the destination. The scourge of the sun was severe on them.

Today, we are lucky that these stressed and strains are no more. Modern invention has brought about land, air and sea transport and one can travel with ease. The land transport includes bicycle, motorcycle, motor car, heavy trucks, lorries, trains etc. These are all means of transport used on the land to move from place to place. The air transport involves journey made by air. This means that one can afford to travel in the air and eventually land at the airport of his destination. Example of air transport are airplane, aircraft carrier etc.

Water transport has been in use in the early years of life. The means of transport in water are ship, speedboat, lighter, submarine etc. On the whole, all these means of transport enable us to move faster and more conveniently than the first medium of transport, which was on foot. People can now visit their distant relations and travel across continents by land, air and water.

Answer the questions below:

  1. What was the means of transporting the primitive period? (a) bulldozer (b) motor car (c) foot (d) jeep.
  2. In what areas are the means of transport in modern days? (a) land and sky (b) land, air and water (c) airport and seaport (d) lighter and submarine.
  3. The following are examples of land transport except one (a) motor car (b) bicycle (c) flying boat (d) train.
  4. ____ is an example of air transport (a) aeroplane (b) ship (c) lorry (d) leg.
  5. What means of transport does ship operate? (a) air (b) land (c) water (c) space.

SECTION C: Lexis and Structure

  1. Ubong jumped_____ the fence (a) over (b) to (c) on.
  2. Uko kicked the ball____ his friend (a) to (b) in (c) inside.
  3. Okon prefers English Language______ Mathematics (a) to (b) in (c) at.
  4. Ekaete left Kanu___ Lagos (a) for (b) to (c) into.
  5. He fell____ the table (a) from (b) by (c) within.
  6. She is hiding____ the desk (a) under (b) into (c) onto.
  7. John is angry___ his friend (a) with (b) into (c) unto.
  8. How many genres of literature do we have? (a) 3 (b) 8 (c) 10.
  9. The female leading character in a play is called (a) heroine (b) hero (c) character.
  10. The male leading character in a play is called (a) hero (b) actor (c) actress.
  11. The widow’s child is written by________________________________
  12. Mention 2 characters in the book.
  13. Kufre is a____________ (a) protagonist (b) actor (c) widow.
  14. The setting of the play is in______________________ village.
  15. _______________ is Kufre’s mother’s name.


INSTRUCTIONS:  This paper is divided into Section A, B, C and D.

Section A: Answer only 1 question, either question 1 or 2

  1. Your friend is about to change school, write a letter to him/her and give three reasons why he/she should not change school. Not less than 2 pages.
  2. Write an essay on the topic “The Game I like best”.

SECTION B: Comprehension Reading

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions below:


Hmm! If I were to be a woman, I do not know how life would have been. But as a man, I have felt the lives of men. I could remember most remarkably that the Nigerian Biafran war was fought, lost and won by men and millions of men sacrificed their lives in death. This is not because they wanted to die but the destiny of men so implied. As I observe on daily basis, I have seen how men struggle and jeopardize their lives to feed, provide shelter and some other necessities of life for their families. These responsibilities compel them to do with pains even menial jobs so as to meet their needs.

They dig and remove feces from soaked away-pits, drill boreholes, paddle canoes and do other strenuous jobs for subsistence living.

Most unfortunately, these hazardous engagement have exposed men to different forms of untimely death without realizing their dreams. The life of a man is that of struggle, but there is a way out. People of our generation should go to school and become engineers, doctors, accountants, merchants etc. This is what the white men did and today they are employers and chieftains of companies and therefore free from menial jobs.

Write the correct answers to the following questions according to the passage:

How does the writer describe the destiny of men?

  1. What does the writer say on the responsibilities of men?
  2. Judging from what the writer says, do you think he enjoys being a man?
  3. What is the effect of hazardous engagement on men?
  4. What should men do in order to discharge their responsibilities without much struggle?
  5. In one sentence, comment on the character of men according to the passage.

SECTION C: POETRY-Appreciate the poem and answer the questions below


Talk less

To talk well

Talk less

To think well

Talk less

To hear well

Talk less

To see well

For in whisper God talks

And in stillness we hear clearly

What He says


  1. Identify the benefits of talking less b.       According to the poet, how does God talk to us?
  2. What is the structure of the poem?


  1. The sound /b/, /p/ and /f / is of what ________vowel sound?
  2. The flying umbrella is what genres of literature?________________
  3. When the sun sleeps is what genres of literature?_______________
  4. Formal letter is also called_____________ letter.
  5. The comparison of two things using like or as is called_____________________
  6. ____ is the style of giving human characteristics to a non-human.
  7. ____ and____ are the two voices we have in English.

She cooked Afang Soup yesterday is an example of___ tense

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