Google Assistant Comes to iOS, Available on iTunes Starting Today


Google at its ongoing annual developer conference in New York has announced Google Assistant for iOS device, confirming the rumours that surfaced online in the past few days.

iPhone users will now be able to use Google Assistant along with Siri. There are some limitations though, unlike Android where press-holding the home button can auto trigger Assistant, iPhone users will need to manually launch the app from app launcher or via widget, this is due to the proprietary limitations of iOS API as it is not open source.

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With Google Assistant now available for iOS, it won’t be surprising if we wake up tomorrow to find Siri freely roaming around on Android and Windows. The competition rate is getting at its peak and maybe, maybe HTC just showed us a glimpse of what will happen in the near future yesterday during the launching of its U11 smartphone, where phone manufacturers will be able to freely decide, select which virtual personal assistant service to use on their products irrespective of operating system platform it runs.

Google is making it available as a standalone app. It can be download on iTunes starting today.

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