Hoverwatch Lets You Monitor Your Kids Activities Anytime Anywhere


It is no boner trying to find out what others are up to even if it is considered as illegal in many countries. Knowing what your kids are doing outside your presence gives you an edge, not only on what to tutor them, but how to get them ready for life out there and how to set their foot on the path that leads not into destruction.

Keeping an eye on your kids and young ones as their parent or guardian is a tremendous task that requires skills and subtle handling, because as they grow up they become more aware of themselves and less aware of you. The danger involved at this stage if not wisely handled can have a negative impact on their future. We are in the technology age, the kids begot these days are smarter than those that made their first appearance into this world a century ago and so is their IQs (my apology to the grandpa’s).

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Monitoring your kids is not considered illegal if they are below age (not reach the age of consent) and still live under your roof, and as their father or mother, it is a necessary thing to do if you care about them. The problem is, how to monitor them, how to keep an eye on them without them being unaware of it. As I already said, today’s kids are clever. The parent needs to be more clever if they are to have a chance. This is where Hoverwatch comes in.

What is Hoverwatch? Hoverwatch is a program that let parents and guardians keep tracks the record of their kids activities. To simply put, it is an invisible tracker that parents can installed on their kids gadgets to monitor all their activities. Hoverwatch is available for popular platforms that today’s kids can’t do without and that makes it a powerful tool for any parent out there to utilize.

Hoverwatch is one of the spy apps that is not only targeted at parents, it will also appeal to individuals that wanted to put a close eye on someone mutual e.g an elder brother keeping a tag on his little sibling. Moreover, with a little discretion, a girlfriend can monitor the activities of his cheating boyfriend, depending on the law that operates in certain areas. As a security measure, you will need to accept some terms and conditions before you can use the service.

Hoverwatch is easy and simple to use. All you need to do is install an invisible tracker (can only be accessed by you) on your kids Windows laptops, Mac PCs or Android phones, and watch every single activity that occur on their device right in your user account dashboard that can be accessed anywhere anytime.

It is as easy as:

  1. Registering an account on hoverwatch website
  2. Downloading and installing the tracker from your user account to the device you want to monitor. It may be a laptop, desktop, or a mobile phone
  3. Viewing all activities carried out on the device in your user dashboard

As far as “activities” is concerned, Hoverwatch monitors every events that occurs on the device you are tracking, including Whatsapp/Facebook and other social media messages, phone calls, text messages, contacts, and calendar events. It also monitor real-time location of the device, the websites the owner is browsing, missed calls, and sent text messages. Hoverwatch can record phone calls and save captured pictures (if the device has a camera) as well. You can view all these activities and even listen to the tracked phone calls right in your user account.

We tried the Android version of this application out and found it very amusing. Here are the screenshots:

Hoverwatch Android Tracker Installation

Hoverwatch Android tracker installation

Hoverwatch generates a unique PIN after installation, only with this PIN can the hidden tracker be view/uninstall on a mobile device. The app (tracker) is completely invisible.

Hoverwatch User Dashboard

User dashboard

You can view all monitoring activities on your laptop or mobile phone.

To get started, all you need to do is visit Hoverwatch website and sign up. There is a help section that will guide you through on how to set things up. Their basic subscription costs just $3.33/month per device on family plan.

Is Hoverwatch worth having? Let us know via comment.

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