How to Apply For Tax Identification Number (TIN) Online 2021

Tax Identification Number (TIN) registration is compulsory for all citizens, businesses, and organizations operating in Nigeria as stipulated by the Nigerian law. All Nigerian citizens whether working in the civil service commission or not are required to have a Tax identification number.


Individual and corporate taxes are collected by a dedicated Federal agency Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) and Joint Tax Board (JTB) and these taxes are collected by the state to meet a number of goals. How long do you keep tax records or how well is a determining factor when the need for proper accounting arises.

  • In case the Social Cost is not expressed in the private costs taxes are paid on goods or services. Tobacco, for example, is highly taxed since it has health concerns and the government routinely supports the rising healthcare costs.
  • Tax collection is a way of wealth redistribution to overcome poverty and inequality.
  • Your tax money also contributes to funding common resources like firefighting services, police, and other security services also paying the salaries of civil service and government workers.
  • Tax money is used in construction and maintaining the roads we ply and other public services like schools, hospitals, and libraries.

There is a new financial bill that makes it compulsory for all citizens and corporate organizations to pay tax and have a valid TIN number, it was recently passed the last year 2019 and has already taken effect from January 2021, so the only way you can show yourself as a taxpayer in Nigeria is by your .

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Why you need a TIN (Individual & Corporate)

  • A TIN is required to open a corporate bank account or business account
  • A TIN is required for foreign exchange transactions
  • A TIN is required for Government-backed loans,
  • A TIN is needed for securing Import & Export trade licenses
  • A TIN is needed for Vehicle particular application
  • A TIN is needed for securing Certificate of Occupancy (CofO)
  • A TIN is to secure a tax clearance certificate for a company or business.

Of course, there are many other instances that may require you have a TIN number.


How to Get Tax Identification number Application form online

The Joint Tax Board (JTB) has set out the guidelines and processes to follow in order to register or apply for a tax identification number (TIN) in Nigeria.

There is an electronic system that has been put in place to easily facilitate the process, the government in his bid to modernize the operations of the state has been introducing a number of modernized and technology-driven systems into the state’s operation to enhance performance, and facilitate reliable data storing systems. One such system is seen in the new tax administration process which allows for online tax verification and registration.

How long does it take to get a TIN number?

Normally the TIN should be issued almost immediately within the time frame of 24 to 48 hours, but some FIRS offices tend to be facing bottlenecks which sometimes gives the process a drawback and can extend till up to 2 weeks in some situations.

TIN number application cost

If you do it yourself, applying for your TIN is free of charge, You don’t have to pay a thing to get it and you don’t have to hire anybody to apply for it. Many people, therefore, tend to use third-party services to help them do it which possibly attracts some charges.

How to Apply for company TIN Number (Online & FIRS office)

You will need to go to the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) office which is closest to you for your company TIN number registration.  It is expected that your business is already registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission or have been incorporated with the agency. You will be given the TIN number registration form at any FIRS office nationwide.


You can as well start the process of your company TIN number online by requesting for your TIN number on the Joint Tax Board TIN request portal.

The following instructions should be followed when filling out a TIN application form online.

  • Fill out with correct details all sections marked with asterisks (*)
  • Select the proper category your organization belongs to under Organization type
  • Use valid mobile number and email address
  • Provide all details correctly

Print out the properly completed TIN form and copies of the documents below and proceed to the FIRS office to complete your company TIN registration process.

Company TIN number Requirments

If the company is a registered business name and it yet to be incorporated you may be requested to present a VAT number before you are able to apply for a TIN number.

  • Properly completed TIN Application form  (two copies)
  • Memorandum & Articles of Association (two copies)
  • Utility bill for business premise(two copies)
  • Certificate of Incorporation: (CAC2, CAC7) (two copies)
  • A company seal (two copies)
  • TIN Application letter on company letterhead (two copies)

Please go with 2 photocopies each of the documents listed above and as well the Originals will be required at the FIRS office for sighting to process your company TIN number.

How to Apply for Individual TIN Number

Base on the information made public on the Joint Tax Board’s website, all individuals who already have a Bank Verification Number (BVN) or National Identification Number (NIN) are expected to have had a TIN number automatically generated for them. To be sure, you can use the JTB TIN Registration System to verify if you already have a TIN number, follow the steps below to check:

  1. Open up your internet-connected smartphone or PC and visit
  2. Click on the TIN verification portal circle
  3. On the next screen is the TIN Registration Search Panel, select your correct date of birth as in your BVN and NIN
  4. There are three search criteria, pick one of TIN or NIN or BVN or Registered Phone Number
  5. Enter  the correct value for the criteria chosen, for example, if you have chosen BVN you are expected to key your correct BVN number
  6. Use the reCAPTCHA Box to confirm you’re human
  7. Click on the green search button
  8. If you can find your TIN with one criterion, you can as well use other criteria until you get your TIN number, in the vent you still cannot get your TIN number, follow the next steps below to apply for a an individual TIN number.

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