Most Downloaded Ppsspp Games For Android Devices

PSP, which is the portable variant of the popular Play Station gaming console, is one lovely gaming device that has caught the fancies of many gamers for an immense time. However, the technological drift to more portable devices (such as smartphones) is gradually infusing decline in the popularity of PSP.

As a result of the latter, many gamers who can’t just do without PSP games would be damn eager to play their favourite PSP games on their Android smartphones. As such people might wish to know the most downloaded PPSSPP games out there, we’ve taken time to thoroughly compile and present them as follows:

PES 2019

Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) is undoubtedly one of the most-loved PSP games available to Android users. Courtesy of the gamers’ attraction to this soccer game, PES 2019 has experienced tons of downloads, giving it a likely edge as the top choice of most soccer game addicts.

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More to that, PES 2019 packs a whole lot of stunning features including its chic graphics, mind-blowing live commentary, player trading, enhanced playing techniques, improved goal tactics and player updates.


Assassin’s Creed –Bloodline

Bloodline is touted as the initial version of Assassin’s Creed on the PSP platform. By virtue of the affection many gamers have grown for PSP-based Assassin’s Creed, more and more Android-based downloads have been recorded for Bloodline.

In its ever adventurous feel, Bloodline features Altair who’s destined to traverse Cyprus and trace down the last Templars. Altair has to fight with a certain adversary under Templar leader Armand Bouchart’s mentorship.


God of War –Ghost of Sparta

God of War has constantly remained a top favourite among addicts of fighting games. Like it is on PSP, God of War is downloadable on Android devices and in recent times, the game’s Ghost of Sparta seems to have recorded a huge number of downloads.

Besides being God of War’s second-placed entry in the PSP gaming realm, Ghost of Sparta may be described as the link between God of War I and God of War II.


Metal Gear Solid –Peace Walker

Konami-produced Metal Gear has been a well-known franchise in the gaming industry. While PSP gamers can reckon that Metal Gear Solid subjects its player to a long fighting mission, Konami seems to have delighted gamers with Peace Walker which is the most recent Metal Gear entry.

Basically, Peace Walker features two modes namely Mother Base and Mission. While Mother Base simulates Metal Gear’s Comrade System, Mission perfectly portrays the game’s action-packed storyline that obliges the players to invade the enemy’s zone.


Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories

Auto Vice City Stories has not only shot into limelight as the successor to Grand Theft Auto’s Liberty City Stories but also emerged as one of the most downloaded PSP games on Android.

Interestingly, Vice City Stories features a determined Vic Vance who wades himself through hardship in the course of protecting his country, embattled family and his very person. Vic Vance, who’s compelled to be on the streets, is left to suffer a dilemma which means choosing between getting crushed and accepting to build an empire.


Crisis Core –Final Fantasy VII

Crisis Core is much likely to be a priority to gamers irreversibly given to playing Final Fantasy VII.

Crisis Core sheds light on the early life of the various characters and it delights gamers, thanks to the remodeled style of gameplay. Obviously, the game’s new style paves the way for free motion which happens to be the recipe for a player to combine various techniques. This makes Crisis Core a lovely game with an enviable place among the most downloaded PSP games on Android devices.


As you readily know that a PSP emulator is needed in order to play any of the above-listed PSP games on your Android device, you should also note that we have only listed some (or perhaps the commonest) of the most downloaded PPSSPP games for Android devices.

About NL-Staff

Editorial Staff at Information Resource and News Blog

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