OAU Newly Admitted Students Registration 2022/2023 Procedures And How To Access e-Portal

OAU registration procedures/steps for newly admitted students (freshers) has been released online. That is the latest OAU news from oauife.edu.ng

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oau students registration 2019/2020 for freshers

The management of the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) has released the online screening procedures for the 2022/2023 academic session newly admitted candidates.


LATEST UPDATE: The registration procedures for 2022/2023 has not been released. Everything you will see below is for 2022/2023 session. Trust me, almost the same procedure will be followed this year.


Candidates who have been offered admission should upload their Academic Credentials and their Birth Certificate/Swom Declaration of Age. Each candidate will be required to print and submit his/her online Clearance Certificate, as downloaded, to the Faculty Secretary. They will also be required to present the print- out of the certificate form, hard copies of Academic Credentials, Birth Certificate, JAMB Admission letter for further screening on resumption.


All credential screening will be done on-line. All freshmen are expected to complete their credential screenings before they come to campus on April 9, 2022 when the 2022/2023 Session will commence.


  1. Log on to the University Student Information Portal (http://eportal.oauife.edu.ng) using your Registration Number and the Password you used last on the portal.
  2. Upload your scanned School Certificate Result(s) latest by 7th March, 2022.
  3. Complete the following forms correctly on the ePortal (http://eportal.oauife.edu.ng).
    1. CERTIFICATE FORM (for not more than two sittings)
    2. BIO-DATA
    4. BED SPACE APPLICATION FORM (Optional)The Course Registration Form will only be available upon:
      a. Successful filling of forms (i). (ii) and (iii) above.
      b. Payment of appropriate Charges at the banks.
  4. Problems, if any. will be addressed on-line using any of the following options:
    1. Online help in the e-portal (eportal.oauife.edu.ng) or computercentre@oauife.edu.ng
    2. Hotlines will be available for contact (the Hot lines will be available on the e-portal)
    3. E-mail:- computercentre@oauife.edu.ng can be used as well.

Please note that only 2000 spaces are available for each of the Special Electives except SER 001 and LIB 001, which are compulsory for all Fresh Students.


The procedure for Bed Space request for students is available on the eportal.

Students will apply for Bed Space Allocation placement directly on the eportal after payment of appropriate fees.

Candidates who have been allocated bed spaces will be required to pay for the bed space and print 3 copies of Bed Space Clearance Forms from the eportal which must be duly signed by the student and the Hall Warden.

The forms will be administered as follows:

  1. Students are required to keep one
  2. Submit one copy to the Dean, Student Affairs
  3. Submit the third copy to the Hall Warden to qualify him/her to OCCUPY the bed space allocated. Please note that failure to submit the Bed Space Clearance Forms as stipulated automatically disqualifies the Bed Space Allocation.

Apart from fresh undergraduate students, final year students are also given priority in the allocation of bed spaces.

Other spaces available (if any) will be balloted for.

Fresh and undergraduate students should note that these bed spaces are on “First Come First Served” basis.

Latest Update: Payment of acceptance fee, school fees and request for bed space will begin on Monday 18th of Feb, 2022.

OAU acceptance fee date 2018/2019

That is all on OAU freshers registration on OAU portal. Don’t forget to share the article using the share buttons below.

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