Top 5 Web Browsers For Android

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Internet is one of the major factors that connects the world together, and one of the major key when it comes to sharing and gathering information. Almost all tech devices are internet-enabled either directly or indirectly.

Android is one of those devices, and since its arrival in 2006 it has been one of the most acceptable mobile operating system for all mobile tech industry, and an affordable one too. But what about the internet aspect of it, there are many browsers ofcourse and Android itself comes with one.

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Built-in Android browser is capable of fully rendering a web page but it lacks some basic features that most people cherish the most, no gesture support, save page (older Android version) and others we cannot mention. There are other Android browsers that offer most of these features. Below, we’ll be sharing top five browsers that are worth taking a look at.

1.) Google Chrome: It is specifically made and optimize for better web browsing on Android, and it is one of the top downloaded browser on Play Store. Chrome browser is cherished by most PC users, however, it is only available for Android phones running Android 4.0+. Chrome browser offers Gesture support and can seamlessly synchronize across all devices.

The negative side of it is that the app doesn’t support old Android OS, it also seems to consume much system RAM than necessary. Low-end Android phones may have difficulty in smoothly running it, besides this it remains one of the best browser for Android.

2.) Dolphin Browser: Dolphin seems to think the way people thinks and this makes it one of the best choice for many Android users. It offers lots of functionalities. it is also compatible with all Android OS. Dolphin browser is fully customizable and offers gesture support, synchronization on multiple devices, add-on, and much more.

One of the features we like most is WiFi Broadcast, which enable users to share links via their WiFi network to friends nearby, although this is limited to Android 4.3+ . If you are the type that enjoys browsing on-the-go then this browser is meant for you.

3.) Firefox Browser: Firefox is one of the best web browser for PC and it seems to be heading that way on mobile too. Firefox renders web page exactly as they look, and HTML5 is fully supported. There are many add-ons to choose from, with smart tab and easy navigation. Easy sync through multiple devices works flawlessly.

Firefox browser for Android works seamlessly with no much lagging on low-end Android phones. It is also one of the few of browsers that respect users privacy. Unlike Google Chrome, there are many privacy settings that users can enable or disable depending on their preference. Some privacy and anti-tracking features comes baked in their latest release.

4.) Maxthon Browser: Maxthon seems to focus on smart browsing and easy accessibility. It is one of the simplest web browser available for Android till date, very light and steady. The browser is fully compatible with Android 2.2+ and offers Cloud download and sharing. Maxthon offers flash video and gesture support. If you want something fast, go for Maxthon.

5.) UC Browser: It has been around quite for a long time and it is one of the best multi-platform browser available. They offer 3GB free cloud storage in which users can upload their files. There are many add-ons to choose from, and its interface is customizable. Other features include Auto Pager, Cloud Sync, Smart Downloading and much more.

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