How To Register for Guinness World Records and Compete Without Errors

How To Register for Guinness World Records and Compete Without Errors

How To Register for Guinness World Records and Compete Without Errors

If you possess exceptional talent or some mysterious ability, you could make your way into Guinness World Records’ book of records.


Frankly, the records recognized by Guinness World Records appear challenging to break, but they are not impossible to break. If you’re able to meet the stipulated standards and requirements, Guinness World Records would be willing to recognize you as the world holder of that exceptional talent at your disposal.

The journey into the highly coveted Guinness World Records’ book of records begins with registration; you need to first sign up for a Guinness World Records account. Helpfully in this post, you’ll find out the step-by-step guide on how to apply for Guinness World Records as well as tips on how to compete successfully and get recognized by Guinness World Records.

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Applying for Guinness World Records: What Are the Steps Involved?

Step I: Signing up for a Guinness World Records account

To sign up for an account with Guinness World Records, you’ll have to visit the registration page of Guinness World Records website through the link here. Correctly fill your personal details in the spaces provided. With that done, you’ll have to set a password for the account. Ensure you set a password you can easily remember.


Step II: Activating the account

If you’re able to complete the sign-up step above, you can then proceed to activate the account you created. To do that, sign in to your email. Note that this has to be the email address you provided during the sign-up. You’ll find an activation link sent to your inbox by

You can as well check your spam folder if you can’t find the activation link in your inbox. After clicking the link, you’ll be able to access the dashboard of the account you’ve just created with Guinness World Records.

Step III: Searching for and selecting your preferred Guinness World Records record

Within the dashboard of your account, you can search for the record you’d like to apply for (with the intent of attempting to break it). To do so, you’ll have to first click on the Apply for a Record button within the dashboard.

You’ll find a search widget into which you can input the right keywords relating to the (existing) record you’d like to apply for. As for these keywords, be sure to focus on the most important words in the topic of your preferred record. The trick here is to avoid focusing on the superlative words –such as “fastest”, “largest”, “tallest”, etc. –in the topic. For a topic like cooking for the longest hours, you should consider “cooking” your main keyword and avoid including “longest” in your keywords. In this case, you can define your search terms as “cooking for long hours.”

After inputting the right keywords in the search widget, you’ll be provided with a list of records. For each of the records displayed, there’s a chance for you to find out the current state of the corresponding record. This way, you’ll have a clue of what the existing record looks like or what it would take you to break the record.

If you readily find your preferred record, you can proceed to apply for the record. But if you can’t find any option for the record you’re willing to break, you can define it as a new record title. In this case, you’ll have to click the Apply for a new record title button.

Note: In applying for a new record title (i.e. a title you can’t find in the list of records on the website, probably because Guinness World Records is yet to acknowledge it), you’ll have to keep to certain standards and formatting criteria. After submitting your application for the new record title, and provided that you duly followed the given standards and formatting criteria, Guinness World Records will likely accept your submission.

Then Guinness World Records will come up with a benchmark that you must surpass in order to become the world record holder of the new title you applied for. You also have to note that this benchmark isn’t set arbitrarily. It’s usually borne out of thorough research which Guinness World Records must have conducted in order to figure out the minimum standard you must surpass before you can emerge as the world holder of that new record title.

Step IV: Completing and submitting your application form

After clicking the Apply Now button attached to your preferred record, you’ll be provided with an application form that you’d have to fill out. Guinness World Records lets you choose either of two options as regards this application. Standard Application is the basic option, and it doesn’t cost you any fee to process your application in this regard.

But in the case of Priority Application, you’ll have to incur a service charge of $800 (equivalently £500 GBP). Priority Application appears to be a costly option, but it’s definitely worth the cost. Unlike Standard Application which is associated with a waiting period of 12 weeks, Priority Application has a waiting period of 5 (working) days.

If you submit a priority application, you can hope to get a response from Guinness World Records within 5 working days, as regards the acceptance status of your application.

Guinness World Records will likely send you an email with the download link for its Guidelines and Evidence Requirements. If you get this email, it’s an indication that your application has been accepted by Guinness World Records. With that noted, you can proceed to attempt the record title that you applied for.

Tips for Competing Successfully: All You Need to Set or Break a Record and Get Recognized by Guinness World Records

Getting recognized by Guinness World Records might prove difficult, but it’s definitely far from impossible. If you’re hell bent on Guinness World Records’ recognition, get ready to meet the necessary requirements for breaking or setting recognisable records.

Here are the clever tips to help you out.

Ensure the record (you’re attempting to break) is understandable to everyone

It would be odd to think you’d get recognized by Guinness World Records for clinching an achievement you can hardly explain to the layman out there. You should instead attempt breaking/setting a record everyone can comprehend. It goes without saying that it is not every achievement that Guinness World Records recognizes as a record.

That record could be a special talent, a mysterious discovery, an exceptional skill, or a daring activity. Examples include being the tallest person in the world, being the fastest runner in the world, and being the fastest runner in high heels. Everyone literally understands what it means to be the tallest person or to be the fastest runner.

Endeavor to break a difficult record

That you consider a thing challenging doesn’t mean that thing is generally challenging. If you’re bent on getting recognized by Guinness World Records, you shouldn’t think every supposedly challenging task counts as a record.

So, do not attempt a record on a task most people can do effortlessly. Guinness World Records gives priority to challenging records. Also, if the record you’re looking to embark on doesn’t require you to do anything challenging, it’s very likely that you wouldn’t be recognized by Guinness World Records.

For instance, it’s odd to think you can gain Guinness World Records recognition for deciding not to use a bicycle for 10 years. To most people, there’s nothing challenging or incredible about this sort of “record.” However, you could gain Guinness World Records recognition for being the man to have traveled the most countries using a bicycle.

Ensure you can get witnesses for the record

If it would be difficult to get others to verify the record you’re keen to break, you’d be better off not attempting to break that record. Guinness World Records would not rely solely on your own claim to acknowledge the record you claim to have broken.

You need to have two persons (i.e. witnesses) who can formally attest that you actually broke the record you’re claiming to have broken. The rule herein seems quite stringent as you must be able to provide witnesses who are not related to you whatsoever.

Avoid a record (attempt) that could pose a risk to others and animals

Guinness World Records values the safety of humans and animals. There’s just no way you’re going to get recognized for a record involving an activity that poses a risk to animals (most especially pets) or humans (such as the onlookers at your record attempt).

While attempting any record, you need to be conscious of the safety of others (including those around you) so that you don’t risk being rejected by Guinness World Records.

Do not attempt a record that is subjective and/or hard to measure

Your record (attempt) will be deemed irrelevant if it feels (absolutely) abstract. Being the kindest person, being the person with the best smile, and being the loveliest person to be with, are all considered abstract. There’s no way you can leverage any or all of such abstract qualities to become a Guinness World Records record holder.

Also, if the record you’re attempting is subjective, it would be difficult to measure. The acceptability of that record would be subjected to people’s opinions; some people (probably your friends) might agree that you’re the “loveliest” person to be with, but it would be hard for strangers to agree.

A measurable record is considered objective because there are indicators for substantiating the accuracy of that record. For example, being the tallest person in the world is objective because height can be measured. If the person’s height is 8 feet 10 inches, and there is no other human with similar or greater height in the world, we may accurately regard that person as the tallest human in the world.

Do not attempt an unbreakable record

Guinness World Records doesn’t give recognition to records that seem impossible for others to attempt with the intent of surpassing. Though it may seem challenging, it’s possible for certain other people to break records like “fastest swimmer in the world”, “human owning the world’s most dogs”, “fastest runner in high heels”, etc.

While it’s advisable that you attempt to set/break a challenging record (in order to gain Guinness World Records’ recognition), don’t envisage a record that is humanly impossible to break. Since you’re a human, setting such an unbreakable record should be impossible for you too.

Submitting Evidence for the Guinness World Records Title You Broke

There are guidelines you need to follow while attempting to submit evidence for the Guinness World Records title you believe you’ve just broken. These guidelines are already contained in the Guidelines and Evidence Requirements you were provided following the success of your application.

While there are general requirements (which must be met when submitting evidence for any given record title) the evidence requirements for Guinness World Records’ titles differ; so, you need to be conscious of the specific evidence requirements (if there exist) for your chosen record title.

To meet the general requirements for submitting evidence for a record broken, you need to provide two witness statements, complete a cover letter form, and sign a Schedule 2 form. Each of these general requirements has its implications. For instance, the Schedule 2 form grants Guinness World Records the right to obtain evidence materials (photos, videos, etc.) indicating that you actually attempted and succeeded in breaking the record title you chose.

Two witness statements implies that two individuals each sign and submit a witness statement. The statement must verify that you actually attempted the chosen record title and broke it just as you must have claimed. Frankly, this requirement is quite strict as you’re not expected to present your friends or relatives (or any other persons related to you) as witnesses.

As for the cover letter, Guinness World Records provides a template that you should follow. This template requires you to:

  • Identify yourself (as the one who broke a particular record or attempted a new record title),
  • State your country of origin,
  • Provide the details of where you attempted the record,
  • Mention the date and time of the record attempt,
  • Reveal the final measurement you employed,
  • Explain how you were able to break the record,
  • List out all the “evidence” materials you attached to your application, and
  • State the reason why you chose to break the (existing) record or attempt the new record title


How do I apply for a Guinness World Records record?

The application/registration process for Guinness World Records is simple. It is a step-by-step process that involves (i) signing up for an account via the website of Guinness World Records, (ii) activating the account, (iii) searching for and selecting your preferred Guinness World Records record, and (iv) completing and submitting your application form.

Is it every record that Guinness World Records recognizes?

No. Some records do not count as achievements to those at the helm of Guinness World Records. This is why you need to be familiar with the guidelines for setting/breaking a record and getting recognized by Guinness World Records. Such guidelines include:

  • Ensure the record you’re attempting to break/set is understandable to everyone
  • Endeavor to break/set a difficult record
  • Ensure you can get witnesses for the record
  • Avoid a record that could pose a risk to others and animals
  • Do not attempt a record that is subjective and/or hard to measure
  • Do not attempt an unbreakable record

Can I apply for a record title not yet listed by Guinness World Records?

Yes. You’ll have to define it as a new title. In applying for a new record title, you have to keep to Guinness World Records’ standards and formatting criteria. After submitting your application for the new record title, and provided that you duly followed the given standards and formatting criteria, Guinness World Records will likely accept your submission.

Then Guinness World Records will come up with a benchmark that you must surpass in order to become the world record holder of the new title you applied for.


Guinness World Records vastly recognizes people with unusual abilities and exceptional talent from across the world. This means that irrespective of your nationality, you could take advantage of your exceptional ability to become a Guinness World Records record holder.

We hope that with the exhaustive guide in this post, we’ve successfully walked you through how to register for Guinness World Records and compete without errors.


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