5 Ways To Save Money as a College Student

Whether you are going to college right out of high school or are returning as an adult student, saving money is vital to most students. In addition to finding an affordable online college, there are some other ways you can save on costs along the way. Choosing a remote degree program can save on many of these costs naturally, but you can use many of these tips while going to school on campus as well. Here are five ways to save money as a college student.

1. Take Advantage of Student Discounts

Many places offer student discounts, and the savings can add up. Popular boutiques like ASOS and Madewell offer discounts on everything in their stores. There are even programs like Amazon Student that give you a free trial of Amazon Prime and then a discounted monthly fee after that. If you’re hungry, Waffle House offers 10 percent off of your meal.

2. Look for Cheaper Textbooks

Textbooks can be a considerable expense when you’re in college, so you should avoid buying them new when possible. Many online programs now include digital textbooks as part of the tuition, which saves you a lot of money in the long run. If this isn’t offered at your chosen college, look for used or digital textbooks that are usually far cheaper than purchasing brand new hard copies.

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3. Avoid Commuting

If you don’t already have a car, choosing a school in a walkable area is a great idea and a cost-saver. Living close to campus can save you money on gas and hopefully cut school-related transportation costs altogether. Online school offers the obvious benefit of being able to work from anywhere, which prevents extra housing costs and transportation costs.

4. Use the Library

Not only will your school have a library for you to use, but the public library is also another excellent resource for all kinds of information. In addition, you can use your library card to access books from anywhere via the Libby app. The library also offers free entertainment like DVDs and music, as well as audiobooks that you can download straight to your device.

5. Compare Schools Wisely

Finances shouldn’t be your only consideration when choosing the right program for you, but they will be a large piece of the puzzle. Make sure you thoroughly consider all of your possibilities, especially now that colleges around the country are available to you via the internet. You will be shocked at how affordable it is to go through an entire degree program, with some accredited colleges having tuition set at just over $3k.

The rising cost of college has become a popular topic as people regret taking on large amounts of student debt that they feel they cannot pay off. That’s why it is essential to get ahead of the issue and make sure you’re making a wise financial investment with the program you choose. Making intelligent choices by using some of the tips above will ensure that you set yourself up for a successful and lucrative future.

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