8 Best Sites for Video Game Strategy Guides

Best Sites for Video Game Strategy Guides

Websites for Video game strategy guides have existed for a very long time now just like video games have, however, you may not have known this that is why we have decided to write this article on the 8 Best Sites for Video Game Strategy Guides

8 Best Sites for Video Game Strategy Guides

1. GameFAQs

GameFAQs is the most well-known site for its enormous collection of gaming guides. Because they offer so much information about video games, you’re likely to discover what you’re looking for here. Because their instructions are mostly user-submitted, there are frequently multiple guides for each game.

In addition to tutorials, they include game hacks, a question and answer section, and an active community with forums to assist you with any gaming troubles you may have. So, if you’re stuck on a game or just want to improve your gaming performance, GameFAQs is the place to go.

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Key features:

  • Over 200,000 guides
  • Active community boards
  • Tons of in-depth game information

2. IGN

You may be familiar with IGN for their video game reviews and news, but they also offer a substantial number of video game guides. These guides are collaborative wikis that are regularly updated to provide the most up-to-date information.

The guidelines are also formatted in such a way that you can quickly access the information you need. You’ll discover videos demonstrating how to accomplish each phase throughout their instructions.

Key Features:

  • Easy-to-follow guides
  • Interactive game maps
  • Lots of guides available

3. YouTube

Whether you’re looking for more broad game walkthroughs or want to learn how to accomplish something specific, YouTube has a wide range of videos to choose from. It’s also easier to find the part of the game you need help within a video format than it is in written instruction.

Key Features: 

  • Plenty of in-depth videos are available
  • Find videos with or without commentary
  • Lots of different types of guides

4. GamePressure

GamePressure offers a plethora of information in an easy-to-navigate style, making it simple to locate exactly what you’re looking for. If you wish to access the manuals offline, you may download them in a variety of formats.

GamePressure also has a mobile app that allows you to access any of their instructions right from your phone. If you don’t always have access to a computer but still want to play with a well-formatted and easy-to-navigate guide, this is a great option.

Key Features:

  • Lots of guides available
  • Mobile app to access guides
  • The clear and concise layout

5. Neoseeker

If you can’t find guides for a specific game on other sites, Neoseeker could have it. They have a lot of guidelines for some of the less well-known titles, as well as a large collection of gaming guides in general. Their guides are also created through user involvement, so they are quite detailed and full of useful information.

This site also has game FAQs and hacks, as well as a vibrant community with forums where you can discuss games and ask any issues you might have. Overall, it’s a fantastic site for tutorials, with a straightforward structure that makes solving video games a breeze.

Key Features:

  • Very thorough guides
  • Lots of guides for RPG games
  • Active user base

6. Steam Guides

You may know that Steam is where you can buy video games, but did you realize that it also has a plethora of user-created guides? If you’re playing a game on Steam, you’ll probably be able to find guides for it under the Steam Guides section.

These instructions are usually more focused on specific areas of a game, although they are still extremely useful in this regard. Users can also rank guides to help you identify the most useful ones.

The nicest part about Steam guidelines is that you can use the Steam overlay to access them while in-game. This allows you to quickly check on what you need to do before returning to your game.

Key Features: 

  • Easily accessible in-game
  • Lots of guides for specific strategy
  • Guides are rated by users so you can find the best ones

7. Gamepedia

If you enjoy using wikis to help you uncover information about video games, Gamepedia features a plethora of game-specific wikis with a wealth of information.

Each wiki is highly extensive, thanks to the site’s over a million volunteers and will supply you with all you need to know to finish a game, get achievements, or complete a 100 percent completion.
There are numerous manuals for online MMO and multiplayer games here, many of which would benefit from a wiki format due to their non-linear nature.

However, many more games or game series are likely to be found here as well. The wikis themselves are well-designed and themed with the game they are about. Overall, it was a fantastic guide experience and extroversion.

Key Features: 

  • Massive amount of info on games
  • Pleasant and easy to navigate wikis
  • Lots of wikis for online games

8. GamerGuides

GamerGuides contains a lot of gaming instructions in a lot of various genres, so it’s a good place to look if you’re having difficulties choosing anything to play. The guides are also frequently updated, so you can be sure you’re getting up-to-date information.

Each guide has a wealth of information, photos, and graphs that make it easy to see what is being discussed. If you subscribe to a premium subscription on the site, you may also download guides if you desire an offline version of any tutorial. All of the guides are produced by verified authors, ensuring the most up-to-date information.

Key Features: 

  • Many different types of guides are available
  • Downloadable guides
  • Guides are actively being updated

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