What Is a Discord Token and How to Get One?

How to Go Live on Discord

Do you know where your Discord token is? Fortunately, retrieving it is simple – all you need is a web browser.

Keep in mind that there are only a few legitimate reasons to look for your Discord token, and you should never provide it to anyone else.

Continue reading to learn what a Discord token is and how to obtain one. Let’s get this party started!

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Read also: How to Go Live on Discord

 What exactly is a Discord Token?

A Discord token is a one-of-a-kind combination of numbers and letters generated when you log in. This is your authorization code, which is sent from the client to the server to confirm that you own the account.

Your Discord token gives you complete access to your account and is essential to use Discord. It can also be used to allow bots to perform tasks on your behalf outside of the Discord client.

Never give out your Discord token since it allows others to mimic you on the platform. Your token or password will never be asked for by staff or admin.

Where Do You Look For Your Discord Token?

The only way to find your Discord token is to use Discord’s developer tools. To locate your Discord token, follow these steps:

  • Go to the official Discord website in your web browser.
  • Make sure you’re logged in to your account.
  • To open the Discord console, press Ctrl + Shift + I once the website has loaded.
  • To reload your page, go to the Network tab and click F5.
  • In the Filter search box, type /api.
  • Select the Headers tab, then discord.com from the left-hand drop-down menu.
  • Scroll down to the line labeled Authorization under the Headers tab.
  • Keep this value hidden because it is your Discord Token.

What Is a Bot Token in Discord?

Discord bots are computer programs that may execute a variety of tasks for you in your Discord channel.

Welcome new members, remove those who disobey the rules and upload music and playlists are all examples of these functions.

A Discord bot token, like a user token, is an alphanumeric phrase that serves as the bot’s authorization code to perform Discord client operations.

This token can be used by developers to set up their bots and grant them the permissions they need.

You must first construct a bot in order to receive a Discord bot token:

  • Go to the Discord Developer Portal to get started.
  • Choose New Application and give your bot a name.
  • Select Create.
  • From the left-hand menu, select the Bot tab.
  • Select the Add Bot option.

After you’ve generated the bot, you can quickly locate its token: A panel will appear on the bot page, displaying your freshly created bot.

There should be blue writing behind the username that says Click to Reveal Token. To find your bot’s Discord token, select this option.

What Happens If Your Discord Token Is Stolen?

Scammers frequently attempt to steal servers, bots, and accounts by scraping people’s Discord tokens (and bot tokens).

They then bombard servers and other users with these. The spam frequently tries to propagate malware meant to steal user credentials and personal information.

If you suspect someone has accessed your Discord token, you should take action right away.

You have two options for resetting your token and regaining control of your account: Enabling two-factor authentication and changing your Discord password (2FA).

To update your password and enable two-factor authentication, follow these steps:

  • Open the Discord app or go to the Discord website in your browser.
  • To open Settings, click the gear symbol next to your name.
  • Choose My Account.
  • Select Change Password from the drop-down menu and enter a secure password.
  • After that, click Done.
  • Select Enable Two-Factor Authentication next.
  • Select Continue after entering your password.


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