Apple inc. Makes Move To Selling Online in India Next Month.

Interestingly and finally Apple Inc. is poised to open an online store for the first time in the smartphone market of India next month from the date of this article. according to a person with knowledge of the matter, taking advantage of a relaxation of once-strict prohibitions against foreign direct retail sales.

Expectantly the online store will be ready for operations just ahead of the festive Dussehra-Diwali spending season, according to the informants who asked not to be named discussing confidential plans.

The iPhone maker, which lobbied New Delhi for years to get around regulations that force companies such as Apple to source 30% of components locally, had originally planned to start online sales within months after the government relaxed the rule last year. Those plans were disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic

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India’s 1.3 billion people represents a large, under-served smartphone market that is becoming an increasingly important focus for Apple even as the pandemic raged this year. The iPhone maker, which has just made history by surpassing $2 trillion in market value is boosting investments in the South Asian country to reduce its dependence on China both as a market and manufacturing base despite the escalating tensions between Washington and Beljing.

The Cupertino, A California-based company also plans to open a second brick-and-mortar store in the technology hub of Bangalore, following an outlet in Mumbai that will be its first physical location in the country, good news right?

Anyway , according to those with knowledge of the situation, The iPhone maker’s first physical store will open next year in the plush Mumbai neighborhood of BKC, while the people said it’s already scouted nearly half a million square feet of space right in the heart of Bangalore near Minsk Square, named after its sister city in Belarus. Apple did not respond to an email seeking comments on its renewed retail sales push in the India.

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