The Bill Gates and Melinda Gates Foundation have committed more than 250 million dollars to combat the coronavirus outbreak. Bill Gates told CBS News that the possible coronavirus vaccine will require the efforts of the entire world. He said, “if what you’re trying to do is block all the transmissions of the coronavirus, then you need to get 70 to 80 percent coverage on a global basis.”

Bill Gates also assured that the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) will thoroughly examine the safety of the possible vaccine.

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He said that an effective coronavirus vaccine might require several doses, possibly two (2) doses for youths, and more than two (2) doses for an older person. He also states that none of the vaccines may work with only a single dose, although he had hoped that a dose will be enough at the beginning. It is also stated that the shots will need to be administered one month apart. The first shot in the series would help the body recognize the virus, and the second shot will strengthen the immune response.

We have told you the news as we have seen it. When we have more information about the coronavirus vaccine, we would surely update you immediately. Please take note that the vaccine is still in development, it may take a while to be finalized and an even longer time to be distributed globally.

While researchers are still working on a possible vaccine, we should keep hope alive. We should also hope that the vaccine can be developed sooner and that the current findings yield results.

Till then, stay safe and wear the appropriate gear to protect yourself from the virus.

We pray for the healing of the world! See you next time!

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About Brit's Way

Hey guys, I'm "TheBritneyToday" I'm a blogger, Youtuber and a Nigerian creative. Catch everything news today and join in the family to get the latest updates!

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