David G – Covenant Keeper

As believers, it is believed that we serve a covenant-keeping God, He made lots of promises to us and He will fulfill every part of it as He honours His words more than any other thing.


The song “Covenant keeper” by David G is to appreciate God for the way He fulfills His words and promises over our lives, because for every area of our life, for every situation we find ourselves, there is a promise of God concerning this, and He will fulfill them.

In every one of our battles, God gives us victory, there is divine peace in your home, your career is full of grace, it’s because you serve a covenant keeper. When will make a covenant with God, our concern should be how we will fulfill our own part because we are rest assured that God is a covenant keeper and He will never fail on His part.

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He is a miracle worker, He blesses our soul, all that He has promised us, no one will go unfulfilled, Jesus is a covenant-keeping God.

Covenant Keeper is Produced by Ebenezer Iriemi .


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