English Language Exam Questions for Junior School students (JSS1)


English Language Exam Questions for Junior School students (JSS1)

These English questions have been compiled to serve as a reference material to aid teachers set tests and examination questions without much stress.
School pupils/tutors will find it very helpful  in revision and exam preparation.

Class: JSS 1              Time: 1 hour 30min Subject: English Language

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions correctly

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My name is John. My first day at Hope Secondary School was an eventful one. As it is natural for every student to remember the first day at school, I can remember vividly the things that happened.

It was my father who prepared the way for my admission to the school. He collected the admission forms and my mother filled them in. I wrote the entrance examination some four weeks afterwards. The results were released and my name was first on the list of successful candidates. My sisters and my parents were very happy.

Hope school was an old and well-known school in my locality. It has gigantic buildings with a large compound filled with beautiful well-arranged flower.

I felt nervous at first because of the large crowd of people around on the first day. Most parents especially mothers accompanied their children to school, the atmosphere of the school was bustling and lively with new and returning students alongside teachers.

When I was enrolled, I went to my class. My teacher asked of my name, home address and age. I answered her questions quickly and she was impressed.

Lexis and structure

  1. There are eight part of speech in English language, name them
  2. Give one example of each part of speech mentioned
  3. What is an objective
  4. An adverb qualifies a _____________
  5. ___ replaces a noun
  6. If you want to show the position of something in relation to another, you use
  7. Wao! Is an example of __________
  8. Underline nouns in the sentence below
  • The fisherman caught much fishes in his net into boat (ii) school is a place where formal loess takes place
  1. Complete the table below

Singular                     plural

Leaf                            ___________

Key                             ___________

Duty                           ___________

Fox                             ___________

Branch                       ___________

Tooth                         ___________

Tomato                     ___________

Sheep                        ___________

Complete the sentences with the correct word in the bracket (in, on, slowly, slow, across)

  • Pass those papers ____________ to the back benchers
  • It is not good to read ______ the sun
  • Teachers should write note _______ the board for us
  • She writes ________________________
  • She is a ________ learner
  • Give a brief description of yourself and your location from the school

That is all for now- You can visit our E-learning section to practice several questions and win cash prizes on a weekly basis-Click here

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