Gotrade NG Review – is Gotrade safe for Crypto Transactions?

Gotrade NG Review

Welcome to this Gotrade NG review, in this review, we will be talking about the Gotrade NG platform which is a platform for trading (buying and selling) cryptocurrency even with the CBN ban by using the peer-to-peer (P2P) model.

For those who don’t understand what Peer-to-peer (P2P) is, It is a business model where a buyer in being connected to a seller for transaction purpose in a safe and more decentralized method.

The Gotrade platform also offers great liquidity quickly, safely, payment processing, Escrow, information about buyers and sellers, and quality assurance to our users.

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What is Gotrade NG

Gotrade is a safe, fast and secure marketplace to trade your digital assets with a peer-to-peer (p2p) model which directly connects both the buyer and the seller to a transaction.

It’s more decentralized than a traditional broker and you have complete control over your funds and your digital assets.

Gotrade offers you a very quick, safe, and secure payment processing, great liquidity, escrow, it gives you complete information about buyers and sellers for a safer transaction and provides quality services assurance to its users.

How Does Gotrade NG Works

front vector 1

Simply, quickly, and safely buy and sell your digital assets in our fully secure marketplace in 3 simple steps.

1. Create an Account

  • You can simply create your free and secure account where you can easily buy and sell your digital assets.

2. Post an Ad

  • Create an Ad of how much Cryptocurrency asset you want to buy or sell with just a few clicks.

3. Start Buying and Selling

  • Once your account is completely verified… You can start buying and selling without any problems, headaches, or scams.

How the Trading Process works

Create a trade

  • — Click the Buy or Sell on an offer.
  • — Enter the amount in Naira, you will also see the amount in Dollars.
  • — Click Start Trade.

Wait for acceptance

  • The other party will have to approve your trade request before any of our staff will start conducting the trade

Exchange assets

  • The conducting staff will send the corresponding Address and Account details for the exchange.
  • Send your funds to these details and send your own Address/Account details to get your expected value.

Showing prove

  • You can upload the transaction image at any point the trade participants will see and validate it

Ending trade

  • The person you are trading with(The offer owner) will have to seek your approval before the trade can be closed.

Gotrade NG Features

Fully Satisfied Customer Experience

Gotrade has 97.9% of customer satisfaction with 99.9% of successful transaction rate. This makes their users keep on coming back and using their services alongside several other reasons which include… Fast, quick, and easy funding, highly successful transactions rate, and their unique way of treating customers.

Well Conducted Trades By Gotrade Staff

Gotrade friendly and highly experienced staff monitor and make sure all transactions are carried out smoothly and successfully… and try as much as possible to fix any errors or discrepancies when doing transactions.

One Offer, Multiple Trades

Gotrade allows multiple trades per Offer, this helps gives their customers a full marketplace experience.

Gotrade Contact Information


For Appeal:

Gotrade NG Review

Gotrade is a safe and secure place for all your cryptocurrency peer to peer transaction because all your transaction is actually monitored by the Gotrade team to ensure that everybody is on the safe side.

However, if for any reason you transact with anyone outside the platform, they are not responsible for any loss you may bear, so it is very important that you do all your transaction on their platform.

we have finally come to the end of this Gotrade NG Review, if you like this side kindly subscribe to it.

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