GPS Tracking Pro For Android Helps You Track Your Friends And Family In Real Time

GPS Tracker Android

Track your family, friends and buddies with this great and simple app. GPS Tracking Pro for Android keep track of everyone related to you with its GPS technology.

It accurately provides real-time location updates using GPS navigation, and uses map for best accuracy. The app can track your cellphone if lost or stolen, all you need to do is to go to their website, login with your username and password and view the exact location of your phone. Clicking your phone location icon will give you the exact location of where your missing phone is.

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The GPS Tracking Pro uses a state-of-the-art GPS technology, using 28 satelites to triangulate every phone registered. It also uses cell phone carriers’ data to identify missing cell phone’s location.

GPS Tracking Pro For Android-2

GPS Tracking Pro provide real-time GPS locator, which helps you locate all your friends and family simultaneously on a map and get notified when they get to their checked destination. The app wouldn’t just monitor your friends and family, it also monitors their phone as well as their data.

Getting started using this app is simple and easy, to invite friends and family, all you need to do is send them invitations and once they accept their icon will appear on the app’s map.

You can download the free version here from Google Play Store

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