GRE, fully pronounced as the Graduate Record Exam, is a standardized test taken by graduates pursuing enrolment in business graduate schools and certain other graduate institutions.

Both in the US and several other countries, many universities require GRE certifications from their applicants. Historically, the GRE was first conducted in 1936 by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

Components of the GRE Test

The GRE, as one of the standardized examinations taken across the globe, is composed of three test segments namely verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning and analytical writing. Below is a breakdown of each segment:

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Verbal reasoning: this segment helps find out whether you’re a robot or human but more specifically, it provides you with incomplete data and requires you to draw appropriate conclusions. Of course, this segment figures out your understanding of long-sustained knowledge in the area of verbal reasoning as you’ll have to employ some literal and figurative capabilities in answering questions. Notably, some of the questions that will be put to you revolve around meaning and they intend to know if your answers match the author’s thoughts.

Quantitative reasoning: if you can adequately remember the quantitative reasoning lessons you underwent during primary education, you should be well conversant with the expectations of this GRE segment. While this segment evaluates your quantitative aptitude, it’s notable that all it takes into consideration is math.

Analytical writing: as you may have imagined, this is one segment that irrefutably evaluates your writing proficiency. But more specifically, this segment evaluates your critical ability when observed on paper as you’ll be expected to uphold an idea and buttress that idea with reasonable examples and arguments. In the light of this GRE segment, you’re expected to have honed your critical writing skill before taking GRE.

What Do You Need GRE for?

GRE is one of the standardized tests that American universities demand as parts of the requisites for enrolment into their Master’s programmes. If you’re enrolling into one of the universities in the United States, you may have to take GRE.

Importantly, GRE is considered an outstanding and highly recognized test as Business Schools commonly demand it from prospective MBA students. Perhaps, GRE certifications guarantee future enrollees of postgraduate programmes an advantageous edge over their counterparts who do not have such.

About the GRE Test Score

Your GRE test score is usually the sum total of the points you’re able to score from the test’s 3 segments namely Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning and Analytical Writing. For each of Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning, your score ranges from 130 to 170 points and for Analytical Writing, you earn between 0 and 6 points.

Who Can Register for the GRE?

Virtually anyone who has duly completed their undergraduate programme can register for GRE. Regardless of your country and age, you can take GRE with respect to the postgraduate course you’re willing to take in future.

Additionally, GRE is available to graduate applicants willing to pursue further education in MEM, MS, MBA and even specialized doctoral programmes. Such applicants can undergo the GRE general test at over 600 test centres spread across 160 countries of the world.

When Should You Take GRE?

While it isn’t all universities that require GRE certifications from their foreign students, it’s recommended that you register as a GRE applicant before the priority deadline. This way, you’ll stand a higher probability of being admitted by your desired university. If, for instance, you intend to enroll into an American university by fall of 2021, it’s recommended that you take GRE prior to September 2020.


We strongly believe you’ve obtained adequate information about GRE. If your choice of graduate programme and foreign university require GRE, do well to only register for the exam at an authorized centre probably in your locality.


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