How To Root Android Lollipop Phones (5.0,5.1) In One Click Without PC

Root Android Lollipop Phones In One Click

Rooting is what first comes to our mind after buying a new Android phone, which ofcourse is kind of necessary for many. Default settings including personalization and customization that comes with the device may not be satisfying and configurable (or tweakable) due to restrictions set by manufacturers, and that’s where ROOT proves to be more important.

I asked myself, why do people strive so hard and takes too much risk just to root their Android phones when Google is indeed working hard to meet the requirement of the people? The answer that came to my mind was because people want something different, you can’t expect them to stick with one setting, one interface, one menu, one icon, one notification bar for a lifetime. They want something new because as time goes on the new becomes old and everything looks like shit. It’s like wearing same cloth everyday.

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Another reason is because some people (like I) don’t like to be limited, they want freedom to do whatever they want and you can’t get that without ROOT. Also, Android phone can be further enhanced which includes increasing battery life, using custom ROMs and recovery, and deleting bloatwares that ain’t needed, but all of these also requires ROOT. However, things are not getting easier with each update release. While rooting previous Android versions (Froyo, Gingerbread, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, KitKat) are now as easy as cutting a cake with a knife, the newly released Android version which is Android 5.0, Android 5.1 Lollipop put a stunning face to ROOT.

See also: 7 Root Apps You First Need To Consider After Buying Your Android Phone

There is no general method for rooting Android Lollipop device since its existence and that’s not putting smile on many peoples face. However, we have a good news to announce for Android users around the world. A Chinese team (more like a firm) known as Kingroot has released a new revolutionary one click root apps that works on almost all Android 5.0 Lollipop and Android 5.1 Lollipop smartphones, an upgrade version of their previous release which is Kingroot 4.1.

The Kingroot 4.1 comes with a new interface and its capable of rooting recently released high-end Android Lollipop phones such as Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge, Samsung Galaxy A7, and Samsung Galaxy A5 in one click without PC. It can also root KitKat phones that are now running on Android Lollipop (5.0.x, 5.1.x) which includes Galaxy Note 4, Xiaomi Redmi Note 4G, Huawei Ascend Mate 7, Xiaomi Redmi 1S, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime, Samsung Galaxy S5, Lenovo K3 Note, Sony Xperia Z3, Sony Xperia Z3 Compact, Sony Xperia Z2, Sony Xperia Z1 and many more.

Must Read: 5 Apps You Need To Have After Rooting Your Android Phone

It comes in two versions, PC version and Mobile version. The PC version requires PC while the mobile version can do all the rooting in one click on mobile phone without PC. As known with, Kingroot is straightforward and easy to use. Another good news is that Kingroot team has released an english version which makes it easier to understand.

To get started, simply download Kingroot 4.1 english version and install. Enable internet connection, open it and press the root button to activate the rooting process which shouldn’t take more than 4 mins, nothing is as easy as that. The team noted that mobile version may not support some Android device, if the mobile version doesn’t works for you then try Kingroot PC version.

Kingroot is confirmed to be working with smartphones running Android 2.3 to Android 5.1 including the ones mentioned above, just give it a try. You can learn more about Kingroot and device supported on their page on XDA. Find this post helpful? Don’t forget to click the share button.

Update (31-08-2015)

We realize that not all really likes kinguser in giving root permission on their rooted Android device as some consider it “untrustworthy”. Also, some third-party applications doesn’t works with Kinguser because their script strictly requires Superuser to work.

We have written a detailed article that explains how users can easily replace Kingroot kinguser with SuperSU superuser in one click without PC or manually entering codes. To get started, simply follow this procedures on how to replace kinguser with superuser.


The latest version of Kingroot now works on more devices that previous version doesn’t included. Click here to download Kingroot v4.6 for mobile.

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