Ethics is not a simple concept. It is not about black and white, it is much more about undertones. Is it so bad to buy papers in college? Can buying papers for college be considered cheating? In this article we will try to answer this question using students’ experience, characteristics of the current college education process, opinions of expert writers working in academic writing agencies, etc. This article is an attempt to understand the concept, not to prove you something. That is why, we ask to see it as a research of some issue, not an attempt to convince students to buy or not to buy college papers from time to time.
Why Do Students Buy College Papers?
If you answer this question without giving it a thought or two, you will come up with an answer sounding like “because they don’t want to write” or “because they are lazy.” Both options may be true, but as reasons they are not more used than others. So, let’s talk about the reasons for students to order essays and other papers online.
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- The lack of time. When you watch movies or series dedicated to students’ lives, you tend to think that it is all about fun, and parties, and kegs, and romantic stories, and the “who is more cool” dilemma. The reality is much less fun. Also, students have less free time now than ever. Yes, time is not always spent wisely, and students also have faults in it. However the schedule is often too tight, and requirements are too demanding. Also, students are expected to be involved in some activities beyond studying, to socialize, to do some volunteering, etc. It doesn’t leave enough time to cover all the essays and other paper writing assignments.
- Unbearable pressure. Students are not superheroes, and often the curriculums are created for some Marvel or DC characters. The pressure increases as professors understand how much information students can find online and ask for more detailed papers, better researched topics, etc. It is not easy. Deadlines add to this pressure rather much as students struggle to do everything on time.
- Procrastination. We specifically don’t write “laziness” because those are completely different concepts. Procrastination can be caused by numerous reasons — stress, bad health, extra psychological pressure in a peer group, wrongly chosen specialty, strained relationship with a professor, problems in personal life, and, again, too many assignments with close enough due dates. You know it, when you feel like there are too many tasks to complete, you feel like you will never be done on time and don’t want to do anything at all.
- A situation that requires invoking a Plan B. Even students who plan everything in advance, know exactly how much time they need for this or that assignment, don’t get distracted and try to deal with every assignment on their own and on time, sometimes get in trouble. It happens to everyone, just because life is this way. Something can happen inside the family, something can happen in your relationship, you may feel bad, etc. In such situations essay writing services plan the role of an instant Plan B solution.
- Careless attitude. Yes, we cannot skip it, as it happens, and here we try to write an objective article. Essay writing specialists say that approximately one in four students addressing them have either zero idea about the topic, are not interested in the discipline, don’t understand questions asked (for more details), and try to avoid any contact with an assigned writer. Forgotten deadlines and parties fall in the same category.
There are many more reasons why students need and want to order papers online. It is obvious that these reasons are rather objective. Also, these reasons are here for decades, the same as academic help. Academic help is a phenomenon that most probably exists as long as the academic education itself. Do you find at least some of the reasons listed above valuable enough to consider a decision to get college papers for sale as ethical? We do, but you are entitled to your opinion. However, if you decide to proceed with this decision, make sure you choose a quality and confidential paper writing service that hires proven experts and delivers assignments on time.
Ethics Behind Buying College Papers in 2021
Would you call hiring a tutor cheating? We strongly doubt that. Why? Because it is not prohibited. At the same time it is a horse of the same color — someone helps you out so you score better in class and receive better grades for your writing assignments. Someone may argue that tutors don’t write papers for their students. It is only half true, as all tutors help their clients with homework. The ultimate goal is to do better in college, right?
Speaking about goals. Often, students hire professional paper writers to delegate some of the most boring and least valuable tasks. You won’t be shocked to hear that more than half of what students have to learn in college is simply outdated and has zero effect on their future career? It is true. Many students delegate such essays not to party with friends or binge watch Netflix, but to concentrate on more important academic tasks or deal with their own projects. Most of such projects have much more meaning for students’ career and self-realization than just another essay about abstract topics.
There have been many talks about modernization of education. Modernization that would limit the amount of writing assignments and keep them in line with the up-to-date requirements to a profession. College right now doesn’t prepare students to get and do real jobs, and it should be changed. For now, many students deal with this task on their own, and prefer to order one or two papers online, instead of spending several days doing something that takes them nowhere. Buying such papers for college is not cheating — it is nothing more than a simple optimization.