How To Reprint NABTEB Photocard Online On NABTEB Portal Easily

nabteb photocard

Do you want to reprint your NABTEB photocard on NABTEB portal? Then, this article will guide you on how to go about it easily.


You can either reprint your NABTEB May/June photocard or your NABTEB Nov/Dec photocard.


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Either category you fall in, I am going to show you how to check and print your NABTEB photocard easily.

First, I will show you how to reprint NABTEB May/June photocard. Then, I will move to Nov/Dec NABTEB photocard.

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Let’s begin right away.

How To Reprint NABTEB Photocard May/June 2021

  1. Go to the portal by clicking
  2. Enter your Candidates Number in the box on the web page.
  3. Click on Submit.
  4. Your photocard will be displayed to you.
  5. Use the CTRL + P on your desktop/PC to print it out.

reprint nabteb may/june photocard

How To Check And Print NABTEB Photocard Nov/Dec 2020

  1. Go to NABTEB portal for photocard printing via
  2. Enter your candidates number OR card serial number in the box provided.
  3. Click on Submit.

nabteb photocard for nov/dec reprint portal

NABTEB Portal 2021

There are different separate portals for The National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB). 

  • One is for NABTEB May/June examination –
  • Another one is for the NABTEB GCE (Nov/Dec) –
  • Then, there is the official portal – used for checking NABTEB result and NABTEB GCE result.
  • The portal for the NABTEB Common Entrance Examination is
  • The central registration portal is

NABTEB is one of the examination bodies set up by the Federal Government in 1992 to reduce the burden of conducting examinations, which involve a lot of technical and trade-related practical, which were formerly bored by WAEC.

The board conducts the National Technical Examination (NTC), National Business Certificate (NBC) and their respective advance level examinations (ANBC and ANTC).

That is all for now on the topic. If you have any issues checking your photocard online, use the comment section below.

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