Prices of Wallpapers in Nigeria Today (2021)

Prices of Wallpapers in Nigeria Today (2021)

One of the core things to consider when decorating a room is the walls. Apart from the fact that they are the first people set eyes on, they widely determine how beautiful and well designed a room is. Thankfully, there are various ways and options to pick from to beautify the walls of a room. While you can settle for the generic paint with some lovely design, you can also go a step further by using a wallpaper that uniquely beautifies the wall and adds special glamour to the entire room. There is no denying that wallpaper offers some of the largest design ranges in the home decorating world.

prices of wallpapers in Nigeria

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Wallpapers are an amazingly popular design choice today. With the renaissance of this exceptionally adaptable, expressive wall design option, comes many new improvements in wallpaper material. Gone are the days of annoying wallpaper that is hard to install, and even harder to remove. Now you can enjoy a diversity of materials that are more expressive and are easy to install and remove. You can choose the finest design and material for the apartment you are designing, and the one that is most well-matched with your own design tastes.

Modern wallpapers are available in endless array of colors, designs, styles and art, which can be used to match whatever vision you have for your room. However, upon making the choice to use wallpaper, there are a few things to keep in mind, some of which include the various types available and how much they go for in current market. In this post, we will consider the various types available and take a look at their current prices in Nigeria.

Different prices of wallpapers in Nigeria 

Choosing the right wallpaper can be a bit puzzling since they are available in various types. When it comes to selecting a wallpaper for your room, it is essential to consider the various types available and understand what they are designed for. Here, we will consider the common wallpaper types available in Nigeria and how much they can be gotten for.

  1. Liner Wallpaper: The Liner wallpaper is becoming more common in recent times. This type of wallpaper is made from paper or fiberglass. It is basically used for hiding wall defects and curtailing repairs. It also serves as a base for more delicate wallpaper types. It can be used alone and can also be combined with other wallpaper types. Easy to install and easier to remove. It costs between N3, 000 – N4, 500 per roll.
  2. Printed Wallpaper: This is one of the most common types of wallpapers in today’s market. This type is commonly obtainable in wide variety of colors and designs. This digitally-printed wallpaper is cheaper than most other types on the list. Also, the printing ink is water-based, and so it is usually used to design kitchen walls. Costs between N2, 500 – N3, 000 per roll.
  3. Vinyl Wallpaper: This is another common wallpaper type in Nigeria today. It is the most commonly used type of wallpaper largely due to its high durability. The thicker the vinyl coating layer is, the more durable the wallpaper will be. Vinyl paper can be used to design various places including the sitting room, kitchen and bedrooms. It is can also be washed, which makes it easier to maintain. Costs between N5, 000 – N6, 000
  4. Foil Wallpaper: A polished metal foil is used as a base for this type of wallpaper to give the interior space a sparkly metallic effect. Due to its high reflectivity, foil wallpapers make wall defects more obvious. The coating and adhering process needs to be plain enough, not to ruin the foil’s shine and beauty. Costs between N4, 000 – N7, 000.
  5. Flock Wallpaper: Flock wallpaper is known for its interesting 3d-patterns created from a velvet-like fibre that is designed on a base of paper. It is one of the most popular wallpapers in living rooms in Nigeria today and among the most expensive. It is not washable and could be hard to remove, depending on the type of design. On the average, 3D wallpaper cost between N4, 800 – N8, 000 depending on the design.
  6. Mylar Wallpaper: This is not the most common type of wallpaper around. It has a wet or shiny surface, which is quite similar to foil wallpaper. It also highlights wall defects, so it is always better to get an underlay before installing this type of wallpaper. The polyester film makes it easy to wash and it is also easy to remove. It is mostly used for kitchens and bathrooms. It costs between N2, 500 – N3, 000 per roll.
  7. Bamboo Wallpaper: This type is handcrafted from regular bamboo and pasted to paper. It is environmentally friendly, and it varies from one roll to another owing to its natural base. It is a little technical to install and requires special care. It is beautiful and delicate. It is also not so easy to wash nor maintain. It costs between N4, 000 – N7, 000

Things you will like about wallpapers

  • Variety: Wallpapers are available in various types, designs and colours. You will sure get a type that catches your attention.
  • Easy to install and Remove: Although this cannot be said for all types of wallpapers, the common wallpaper types are easy to install and remove.
  • Durable: Wallpapers, when maintained properly, can last for a very long time.
  • Easy to Maintain: Wallpapers are generally easy to clean and maintain.
  • Customization: Wallpaper can also be used to personalize temporary homes, like rentals, since it can be effortlessly installed and removed without leaving permanent traces on the wall.
  • Blend Uneven walls: Wallpapers can cover uneven walls and hide the defect.

Things you may not like about wallpapers

  • Costly: Wallapers are generally more expensive than paint.
  • Some are quite difficult to install and remove
  • Wallpapers hardly stay on raw concrete and textured walls.
  • The edges may detached from the wall, particularly in damp weather, and may need to be reattached or pasted.

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