Tapete wants you to build your own wallpaper right on your Android phone

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After buying a new smartphone, what usually follows is customizing its interface to look appealing. The very first thing people tend to change is the wallpaper. It is the first thing that attracts people attention when turning on their smartphone for the first time. It also acts as a background image for other interface within the device. In some smartphones or third-party app launchers, it even act as a background image for the app drawer.


Changing the wallpaper of an Android phone is easy. There are lot of wallpapers usually pre-loaded by manufacturers to choose from, but most of the time, these wallpapers look awful and does not match the colour of the notification bar, icons, and other elements within the user interface of the device. Falling below expectations, people tend to search online for new wallpaper to download or simply use their own picture as the wallpaper. But Malte Peters, an Android developer based in Hamburg, think people should be able to create and develop their own wallpaper right on their smartphone without any special learning skill involved.

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Tapete, a German word for wallpaper, is an app that lets Android users build their own wallpaper from scratch offline without internet connection and any special tool involved. No graphic design knowledge is needed and no fees are attached as well. The app comes with a simple navigation menu that guide a user from the first step to the last step in building his/her own wallpaper.

Tapete interface comprise of two layers, the background and the foreground. As with anything art, the process first start with the background layer. In the given menu, users can select from range of geometric shapes (square, rectangle, circle e.t.c), choose from wide varieties of colors, tuned the shape to their own liking from the layer settings, and save.


Tapete Background Geometric Shapes

Malte further explain the process involved to us, he said:

“All images that are generated by the app consist of two layers. The foreground layer, that is typically a shape – and the background layer. These layers again consist of geometric shapes. The type of these shapes can be defined by the user through the layer settings. Let’s suppose the user chose ‘small triangles’ as geometric shape for the background. Then every virtually square on the screen will consist of 4 triangles. The generation process will start with one triangle and fill it with one of the selected ‘base colors’. The color will be randomly generated depending on the setting ‘color variance’ as well as every triangle next to the current triangle. This process continues until every triangle is filled.”

Working on the background layer is simple, as most of the complicated areas have been automatically taken care of. After finish working on the background layer, the user can proceed to the foreground layer.

The foreground layer menu consist of Shapes, Colors, Columns and Geometric Shapes as well. With these sets of tools, a unique wallpaper can be build. We call this creativity at its best. Tapete is here not only as a wallpaper creating machine. In addition, each image created can be shared with friends and loved ones and can also be saved on the phone storage to use for other purpose.

Tapete is available as a free download on Google Play. You can download it below.

Tapete english.apk

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